
WissKI is a Virtual Research Environment meeting the needs of museum documentation, object-based research, and interoperability. It is deployed as a modular extension of the Drupal CMS. Its intention is to support innovative forms of research through semantic technologies, new ways of publishing curated data and knowledge, and to ensure its reuse in further research.
Data acquisition is supported in full-text or field-based mode. Semantic paths derived from the underlying ontology are used for building semantic web forms and for semi-automatic text annotation. WissKI uses an OWL-DL implementation of the event-centered CIDOC CRM ontology (ISO 21127) as its logical backbone.
University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Computer Science Department, AG Digital Humanities
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuernberg
Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Guenther Goerz
Dr. Siegfried Krause
Dr. Peter Grobe
Martin Scholz, Dorian Merz, Mark Fichtner, Kerstin Reinfandt, Georg Hohmann (now Deutsches Museum, Munich)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council)