
Burckhardtsource.org is a semantic digital library created within the ERC project “The European correspondence to Jacob Burckhardt” coordinated by Prof. Maurizio Ghelardi (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa). The time span 1842–1897 witnesses a period of significant cultural transformations. Texts also offer content-related information. Indeed, a semantic annotation tool enables users to create semantically structured data. The combined use of the semantic annotator Pundit and the customised vocabulary Korbo offers an effective tool for data retrieval, representing different data – such as metadata and annotations – in several ways, according to the way users want to put them in relation.
Project Team
Prof. Maurizio Ghelardi, Principal Investigator and Coordinator
Dott.ssa Susanne Müller, Senior Research-Fellow (June 2010–May 2015);
Dott.ssa Costanza Giannaccini, Post-doctoral Research Fellow (June 2012–May 2015);
Dott. Alexander Auf der Heyde, Research Assistant (June 2012–October 2014);
Dott. Giuseppe Marcellino, Post-doctoral Research Fellow (November 2014–May 2015);
Dott.ssa Annamaria Ducci, Research Assistant (October 2014–May 2015);
Dott.ssa Ingrid Sitta, Transcriptions (February 2012–May 2014);
Dott.ssa Renate Müller-Buck, Research Assistant (June 2010–September 2011);
Dott. Alessio Piccioli, Software Development coordinator (June 2010–May 2015);
Dott. Romeo Zitarosa, Senior Software Engineer (June 2010–May 2015);
Dott.ssa Francesca Di Donato, Digital Humanities Fellow (January 2013–May 2015);
Dott.ssa Chiara Aiola, Digital Humanities Assistant (October 2013–May 2015);
Mirko Delcaldo, Graphic designer (January 2015–May 2015).
European Research Advanced Grant (EUROCORR – Grant Agreement n. 249483, June 2010–May 2015)