Exhibitium Project

The Exhibitium Project is a data-driven project that focuses on art exhibitions regularly held by galleries, museums and art centers. These art exhibitions are understood as complex cultural phenomena resulting from of a variety of relationships established between a set of heterogeneous actors. In order to analyze the great amount of data about temporary art exhibitions currently available on the web, Exhibitium is developing a technological tool (Expofinder) for the capture, recording and exploitation of these data, which allow us to extract new knowledge based on quantitative/qualitative parameters and to make them reusable by means of open data systems.
Khaos Research Group (University of Málaga, Spain)
CulturePlex (Universtiy of Western Ontario, Canada)
Techne Research Group (Univesity of Granada, Spain)
Project Team
Nuria Rodríguez Ortega (Director)
Antonio Cruces Rodríguez
Jose F. Aldana Montes
José Pino Díaz
Mª Luisa Bellido Gant
Juan Luis Suárez
Carmen Tenor Polo
Ana Carmen Benítez Hidalgo
María Casas
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Badillo
Bárbara Romero
Marieta Jivkova
Fundación BBVA