
tranScriptorium aims to develop innovative, efficient and cost-effective solutions for the indexing, search and full transcription of historical handwritten document images, using modern, holistic Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) technology.
tranScriptorium will turn HTR into a mature technology by addressing the following objectives:
- Enhancing HTR technology for efficient transcription Departing from state-of-the-art HTR approaches, tranScriptorium will capitalize on interactive-predictive techniques for effective and user-friendly computer-assisted transcrition.
- Bringing the HTR technology to users Expected users of the HTR technology belong mainly to two groups: a) individual reserachers with experience in handwritten documents transcription interested in transcribing specific documents. b) volunteers which collaborate in large transcription projects.
- Integrating the HTR results in public web portals The HTR technology will become a support in the digitization of the handwritten materials. The outcomes of the tranScriptorium tools will be attached to the published handwritten document images. This includes not only full, correct transcriptions, but also partially correct transcription and other kinds of automatically produced metadata, useful for indexing and searching.
Universitat Politècnica de València
Universiy of Innsbruck
National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”
University College London
Institute for Dutch Lexicology
University London Computer Centre
Project Team
Joan Andreu Sánchez
Günter Mühlberger
Basilios Gatos
Philip Schofield
Katrien Depuydt
Richard Davis
European Union's Seventh Framework Programme