Making Sense of Illustrated Handwritten Archives

Many handwritten and illustrated archives contain a wealth of information, but are largely underexplored because they are complex and difficult for computers to decipher. The aim of this project is to develop a digital environment that resolves this challenge and connects heterogeneous archival content to other digital sources. Within this four-year project (2016-2020), data scientists from Leiden (LIACS) and Groningen (ALICE), heritage professionals from Naturalis Biodiversity Center, historians of science from the University of Twente (STePS) and Brill publishers, work closely together. Our research is financed by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and Brill.
Leiden Centre of Data Science (LCDS)
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Brill Publishers
Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NBC)
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering (Groningen University)
Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (Twente University)
Project Team
Lambert Schomaker, University of Groningen
Andreas Weber, University of Twente
Mahya Ameryan, University of Groningen
Lise Stork, Leiden University
M. Eulàlia Gassó Miracle, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Michiel Thijssen, Brill publishers
Maarten Heerlien, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Katherine Wolstencroft, Leiden University
Aske Plaat, Leiden University
Michael Lew, Leiden University
Siegfried Nijssen, Leiden University
Marco Wiering, University of Groningen
Ernest Suyver, Brill publishers
Fons Verbeek, Leiden University
Bart Verheij, University of Groningen
Rene Dekker, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Joost Kok, Leiden University
Lissa L. Roberts, University of Twente
Jaap van den Herik, Leiden University
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, grant number: 652.001.001
Brill publishers (Leiden, the Netherlands)