CLiGS (Computational Literary Genre Stylistics) is a junior research group in which researchers from Literary Studies and Computer Science work together. We study, use, adapt and develop quantitative methods of text analysis to investigate French, Spanish and Spanish-American literary texts. Our main focus is on genre stylistics, that is on studying textual differences between various literary genres and the stylistic development of genres over the course of literary history. We are part of the Department for Literary Computing at the University of Würzburg, Germany and publish news about our activities on our project website at and make code and text collections available at
Computational Stylistics Group, Kraków and Antwerp
DARIAH-DE (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities), SUB Göttingen
Digital Literary Network Analysis (dlina), University of Göttingen
Chair for English Linguistics and Translation Studies, University of Saarbrücken
Chair for French / Francophone and Italian Linguistics, University of Leipzig
Kallimachos Center for Digital Humanities, University of Würzburg
Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart
Project Team
Christof Schöch (PI)
Daniel Schlör
José Calvo Tello
Stefanie Popp
Ulrike Henny
German Federal Ministry for Science and Education (BMBF), 2014-2019