The Dalmatian School of Saints George and Tryphon, Venice

This virtual visit of the Dalmatian School, featuring a cycle of early Sixteenth Century paintings by Vittorio Carpaccio, consists of an in depth utilization of panoramic digital photography to first contextualize the artwork within its architectural environment, secondly permitting full exploration of the individual works with high-resolution images and third and most importantly, features access to in-depth video documentaries where each paintings' historical and iconographic meanings are illustrated by Prof. Augusto Gentili. Iconographic details are highlighted through the creative use of current digital video editing and animation techiques.
Università Ca' Foscari, Venice
Univesità degli Studi La Sapienza, Rome
La Scuola Dalmata dei Ss. Giorgio e Trifone, Venezia
Project Team
Produced and Directed by Jason Cardone, PhD