Manart: a database of manifestos in literature and arts

The Manart database gathers data about manifestos produced from the end of the 19th century onwards, in all geographical and artistic areas. Resolutely interdisciplinary, Manart has two long-term objectives: first to make available online facsimiles of manifestos with detailed records scientifically checked; second to allow advanced searches on the manifesto phenomenon. Relating descriptive and analytical information for each entry, the database enables a smooth flow between macro and micro perspectives, i.e. between the history of major evolutions and specific case studies. Manart thus offers a platform for innovating methodology within the highly complex research field of history of art.
University of Gothenburg
Labex Cap
HiCSA (University of Paris 1)
THALIM (CNRS, University of Paris 3, ENS)
Aix-Marseille University
Project Team
Viviana Birolli (Paris 1, EHESS)
Camille Bloomfield (University of Paris 3)
Mette Tjell (University of Gothenburg)
Audrey Ziane (Aix-Marseille University)