Open Memory Project

The main aim of the Open Memory Project is the publication on the web of information and resources coming from the CDEC Foundation’s archives and library, using the Linked Open Data Technologies. The Open Memory Project has been realized by the Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea CDEC Foundation in Milan in partnership with Regesta. exe from Rome. The CDEC Foundation is an institute of research involved in the preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the Jews in Italy in the contemporary age.
Because of the huge amount of the CDEC’s resources (and related topics), the first step of this wide working road-map regarded those concerning the persecution and deportation of the Jews in Italy between 1943-1945. The CDEC’s Shoah related resources and data were scattered among its different working areas – historical archive, photographic archive, audio-video archive, library, historical research area – that is, among a variety of databases, each one with its own peculiarity: inventories, catalogues, working databases realized by single researchers. Given this basic ground, the first thing to do was the integration of all the available databases in a unique management platform in order to make possible the retrieval of data, information and digitalized documents with a unique search. For more information, check out our videos on Youtube.