AC/E Digital Culture Annual Report

Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) is a public institution that fosters and promotes culture through a wide-ranging programme of activities and initiatives designed to encourage the mobility of professionals and creators. We bring this same spirit to the AC/E digital culture annual report, a publication that sets out to promote digital internet culture. Our aim is for it to help sector professionals and creators understand how to incorporate digital technologies into their work. If the culture sector gains the skills and capabilities to work actively on the internet and furnish it with cultural content, between all of us we will succeed in giving culture a prominent presence in this great virtual public space. The AC/E Annual Report is an annual document of reference that analyses the development of digital trends in the world of culture and focuses on a specific sector or discipline each year. The annual report is structured into two main parts. In the first professionals and specialists from the digital sector carry out a cross-cutting analysis of digital trends in the world of culture, addressing all the cultural disciplines. The second part identifies and defines cases of good practice in the use of digital technology, both national and international, in a specific cultural sector—the performing arts in 2014, museums in 2015, cultural festivals and professional meetings in 2016 and cultural heritage in 2017. The annual reports are published on the website of Acción Cultural Española, in the section on digital publications, and can be downloaded free of charge by users under a Creative Commons licence.