Gluck Complete Edition

Gluck Gesamtausgabe (GGA) aims at a historical-critical edition of composer Christoph Willibald Gluck’s complete works for science and musical practice. Apart from the musical text and its text-critical annotation, the edition includes information on the musical oeuvre and the contemporary reception. Moreover facsimiles of the song books are printed in the respective volume.
The project’s digital component makes the index and the catalogue raisonné accessible and searchable. As a result the user can find Gluck’s works via title, type of publication, original language or authenticity. In addition the portal makes it possible to research venues of the composer’s works as well as persons who are linked to Gluck’s oeuvre. Besides the user can identify the repositories where the historical sources are archived. Finally the online version is rounded off by a search mask for finding scondary literature concerning Gluck.