The Pinkassim Project

The Pinkassim Project, a collaboration between the National Library of Israel, the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University and internationally renowned scholars, is a digitization endeavor in the field of Jewish studies. The project seeks to provide free, central access to the minute books of Jewish communities (pinkassei kahal), of Ashkenazic Europe and northern Italy; they are indispensable historical sources for Jewish history and culture in the Early Modern Era. The communal Pinkassim, until now scattered across archives around the globe, are being progressively digitized (First Stage completion: April 2017) and made accessible on the webpage of the National Library of Israel.
National Library of Israel
Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University
Israel Bartal (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Gershon D. Hundert (McGill University, Montreal)
Adam Teller (Brown University, Providence)