
As an index of biblical references found in both Western and Eastern Christian literature, at present covering the first four centuries but with the intention of extending over the whole of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages, BIBLINDEX aims to provide a common tool at the junction of two research areas: biblical textual scholarship and patristic and linguistic studies, investigating the understanding and use of the Bible in the writings of ancient authors. Two particularly innovative features of BIBLINDEX are its spatiotemporal breadth and its multilingual corpus. Access to the data is completely free.
HiSoMA Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Délégation Régionale Rhône-Auvergne
LIRIS Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
LIG Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble
INTF Institut für neutestamentliche Forschung
EAJS Peshitta Institute
Project Team
Sources Chrétiennes, part of the HiSOMA lab.
ANR (French National Research Agency)
BSN 5 (French Ministry for Research)