Railway Work, Life & Death

Exploring accidents to British and Irish railway workers before 1939, working with teams of volunteers to make accident records more easily available online. We're finding out more about the people involved in accidents, their working practices and their families, collaborating with family historians, archivists, museums professionals, academics, unions, the current rail industry and more. Includes a growing database, a regular blog and further resources – all freely available from our website – and wanting to make connections with many more datasets beyond our own.
Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick, UK
National Railway Museum, UK
University of Portsmouth, UK
Project Team
Karen Baker (National Railway Museum)
Mike Esbester (University of Portsmouth)
Helen Ford (Modern Records Centre)
Chris Heaton (National Railway Museum)
James King (Modern Records Centre)
Craig Shaw (National Railway Museum)
Supported in kind by the National Railway Museum, Modern Records Centre and University of Portsmouth.