Regesta Imperii

The REGESTA IMPERII (RI) chronologically record all activities evidenced by documents or anything else of the Roman-German kings and emperors from the Carolingians up to Maximilian I (ca. 751-1519) as well as of the popes of the early Middle Ages and High Middle Ages in the form of German “Regesten” (abstracts).
RI-Online, the project’s digital component, include the Regesta Database which makes available all volumes of the regesta imperii published since 1839 in full text. Thus more than 130.000 regesta of ruler and papal deeds are researchable. RI Online have been enriching the regesta database under the label “RIplus” since mid-2015 with regesta, which have not been published in the printed volumes of the Regesta Imperii.
Moreover RI-Online offer place and personal registers as PDF versions as well as e-Publications of partial results from the work of the Regesta Imperii which would otherwise take years to be published as print versions. In addition the RI-OPAC, as an openly accessible literature database for the medieval research into the entire European linguistic area, takes all specialist disciplines into consideration.