BITRAGA - The Translation Observatory

The main aim of the “Digital Library of Galician Literary Translation” database, which began in 2003 run by the BITRAGA research group, is to provide a wider political and cultural forum for literary translations both from and into Galician. The directory is intended to promote the exchange of academic data amongst all of those involved in this field, including translators, publishing companies, researchers, etc
Currently, the BITRAGA database includes all of the literary translations published from 1980 to the present day. In order to improve and broaden its scope, the project, which is still under revision remains open to any suggestions.
Project Team
Silvia Montero Küpper
Patricia Buján Otero
Áurea Fernández Rodríguez
Iolanda Galanes Santos
Ana Luna Alonso
Current (2020-2023): Xunta de Galicia- Regional Government of Galicia, Spain
Former: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia - Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture
Former: Xunta de Galicia -- Regional Government of Galicia, Spain
Former: Universidade de Vigo, Galicia, Spain