Greek Fgramentary Tragedians Online (FragTrag.1)

The project is preparing an open-access Database on the life and fragmentary works (tragedies and satyr dramas) of 46 Greek tragedians of the 6th and the 5th centuries BC. These poets include, respectively, the pioneers of Greek drama, as well as the competitors of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides (the only three tragedians from whom we have complete works). In addition to providing important information on the life and the career of these poets, the database will include the first Digital Edition of their fragmentary works.
Department of Philology, University of Patras (Host)
Project Team
Andreas Antonopoulos (PI)
Panagiota Taktikou (PhD Cand.)
Anastasia Psomiadou (PhD Cand.)
Nikolaos Ntaliakouras (Technical Associate)
Funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (Scheme: 2nd Call for Research Projects to Support Post-Doctoral Researchers – Project Number: 85)