Historia y Memoria Histórica on line

The project "History and Memory online. Challenges and opportunities for knowledge of the past on the Internet" (HISMEDI), tries to find out how historical knowledge is represented, how it is generated and by whom, how socializing takes place in the digital media and, finally, which challenges are posed.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad de Valencia
Universidad de Alicante
Universidad de Málaga
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Project Team
Encarnación Barranquero
Mariluz Congosto
Ángeles Egido
Sergio Gálvez
Raúl Magallón
Pedro Paniagua
Mirta Núñez
Anaclet Pons
Manuel de Ramón
Rosa San Segundo
Juan Carlos Sánchez
Francisco Sevillano
Ministry for the Economy and Competitiveness
European Union, Reference nº. HAR-2015-63582-P, MINECO/FEDER