Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies

Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies (ReIReS) is a starting community that aims to create a unique and groundbreaking research infrastructure (RI) on religious studies within the European Research Area. It joins the major European research institutions working in the domain (universities, libraries, archives, academies, research institutions, and museums) to improve the access of scholars from all over the world to the data, information and sources concerning the study of the historical and cultural influence of the plural religious heritage in the European history.
Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII, Bologna
KU Leuven, Leuven
Brepols Publishers, Turnhout
Universität Hamburg, Hamburg
University of Warsaw, Warsaw
Refo500, Enschede
and 6 more partners
Project Team
Alberto Melloni
Mathijs Lamberigts
Paul de Jongh
Claus Arnold
Michal Choptiany
Herman Selderhuis
and 6 others
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730895.