Environment & Society Portal

The Environment & Society Portal is a gateway to open access resources about human participation in, and understandings of, the environment. It addresses the community of teachers and researchers in environment-related humanities, as well as the interested public. The Portal is the digital publication platform and archive of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, a nonprofit joint initiative of the LMU Munich and the Deutsches Museum. As such, it reflects the research themes of the RCC and its fellows.
Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Deutsches Museum, Munich
Ant Spider Bee
European Society for Environmental History
Project Team
Kimberly Coulter, Director of the Environment & Society Portal
Iris Trautmann, Digital Humanities Research Specialist
Katrin Kleemann, Research Associate
The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society is generously funded by the German Federal Ministry for Research and Education.