3DH – Three-Dimensional Dynamic Data Visualisation and Exploration for Digital Humanities Research

3DH is a 3-year pilot project funded by Hamburg’s Ministry for Science and Research. It focuses on the dynamic visualisation and exploration of Humanities data from a DH perspective. The 'third dimension' of the 3DH approach is not necessarily conceptualized from the point of the traditional, i.e. spacial z-axis of physical objects, but rather as an expression of the semantic and hermeneutic 'depth' which characterises humanistic phenomena. The major goal is to establish a methodological and theoretical orientation as well as to develop prototypes of visualisation tools as demonstrators.
Prof. Dr. Johanna Drucker (University of California)
Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta)
Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam)
Jan-Erik Stange (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam)
Florian Windhager (Danube University Krems)
Project Team
Prof. Dr. Jan Christoph Meister (University of Hamburg)
Marco Petris (University of Hamburg)
Rabea Kleymann (University of Hamburg)
Hamburg’s Ministry for Science and Research