Key Documents of German-Jewish History. A Digital Source Edition

The online source edition highlights central aspects of local, regional, and general German‐Jewish history providing approximately 150 digitized key documents. We consider Hamburg to be a “magnifying lens”; with reference to a tangible example, special features and characteristics will be illustrated. The source edition will be bilingual (German/ English) and mainly aimed at students and researchers, but also at schools and a general, interested, non‐professional audience. The selected sources will thereby serve as a “key” to trace major developments and central issues of German‐ Jewish history with reference to close‐by examples. German‐Jewish history is looked on within the context of general history.
The Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg funded the initial concept of the edition. Since July 2015 the realization of the online edition has received funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through its funding stream “Wissenschaftliche Literat
Archiv des Jüdischen Museums, Berlin
Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem
Centrum Judaicum, Berlin
Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, Frankfurt am Main
DigiBaeck, Leo Baeck Institute New York
Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte Hamburg
Geisteswissenschaftliche Infrastruktur für Nachhaltigkeit, Universität Hamburg
HamburgWissen Digital
Judaica Europeana
Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte
MyCoRe, Regionales Rechenzentrum der Universität Hamburg
Sondersammelgebiet Judentum, Universitätsbibliothek J.C. Senckenberg, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main (Compact Memory und Digitale Sammlungen)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg
Project Team
Dr. Miriam Rürup (project manager)
Dr. Anna Menny (project coordinator)
Dr. Inka Le-Huu (editorial staff)
Nina Zellerhoff (editorial staff)
Daniel Burckhardt (technical department)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft