Inscriptiones Graecae

The Inscriptiones Graecae are the oldest project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, being the successor of the Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (CIG), founded in 1815. In the project’s publication series, the Greek inscriptions of Europe are edited on the following plan: IG I–III Athens and Attica; IG IV–VI the Peloponnese; IG VII–IX Central Greece; IG X Northern Greece, Thrace, Skythia; IG XI–XII Aegean Islands; IG XIII Crete; IG XIV Italy and Sicily; IG XV Cyprus.
The Digital Scholarly Edition currently offers access to the text, the translations (German and English), and the TEI (Epidoc) encoded sources of eleven volumes of the Inscriptiones Graecae. It starts with volume IG IX 1², 4, originally published as print in 2001. More volumes will be added continuously.