Interdisciplinary Multilingual Dictionary

Interdisciplinary Multilingual Dictionary is focused on the terminology of heritage protection, art restoration and related disciplines. The database contains more than 10,000 entries in English, Polish and German and an additional 4,000 translated into French and Italian. It also includes historical terms found in ancient manuscripts. Key topics include: theory of conservation-restoration, damage and treatment of paintings, biology, chemistry, art history, architecture and craft terminology - gilding, plastering, woodworking, etc. During editorial work, for convenience, dictionary chapters can be displayed or printed on demand and a forum is provided to allow discussion and exchange of opinions between contributors and users.
Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Division of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture
Project Team
Dr hab. Monika Bogdanowska – Division of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology
Andreas W. Komodziński – MA, art restorer
Ludomir M. Domański – master gilder, Szkoła Wyższa Rzemiosł Artystycznych i Zarządzania we Wrocławiu (chapter: Gilding and Decorative Arts)
Dr. Margaret Sawicki – Department of Frames Conservation, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia
Zdzisław Pruski MA - French translation
Magdalena Duś MA - German translation
National Science Centre, Poland