Post date: 04 June 2011

InterFace is a symposium for humanities and technology. From July 27-29 it is being jointly hosted by colleges across London and will be an invaluable opportunity for participants to visit this active

Post date: 04 June 2011

Registration is now open for the Brown University Women Writers Project's summer and fall workshops on topics in TEI and digital humanities

Post date: 04 June 2011

The Centre for Advances Studies (CAS) at the University of Nottingham is delighted to host the 15th annual conference of the Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) at the University’s Ningbo, China

Post date: 02 June 2011

Registration is now open for the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. The European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL) 

Post date: 26 May 2011

The UK Data Archive are now taking bookings for a free webinar on data management and planning for research projects and groups. This webinar will showcase the UK Data Archive's

Post date: 20 May 2011

The closing keynote of the DH 2011 will feature Erez Lieberman-Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel, lead authors of “Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books” published in Science (2010).  

Post date: 20 May 2011

The Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature is proud to present its first release through the Digital Archive of Letters in Flanders

Post date: 17 May 2011

In Cordoba more than 800 years ago, Ibn Rushd or – as the Latin scholars called him – Averroes was working on his commentaries on Aristotle, Galen, Ptolemy, and Alghazel, composing and constantly

Post date: 13 May 2011

The Brigham Young University (in Provo, Utah) is pleased to announce a new corpus -- the Google Books (American English) corpus: This corpus is based on the American English...

Post date: 12 May 2011

The London Seminar in Digital Text and Scholarship invites seminars for the 2011-12 academic year, October through May. Seminars may be on any aspect of digital textual studies, whether literary,

Post date: 09 May 2011

ICIDS is the premier international conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (IDS), bringing together researchers from a wide variety of fields to share novel techniques, present recent results, and exchange...

Post date: 04 May 2011

The CATMA team announces the release of CATMA 3.2. Besides containing various bugfixes and improvements the release is mainly driven by a collaboration between the CATMA team and

Post date: 30 April 2011

TEI and Linguistics - While the TEI Guidelines are an obvious encoding standard in Digital-Humanities-based research, it is still not so obvious a choice for those working in linguistics.

Post date: 29 April 2011

Philology in the Digital Age - 2011 Annual Conference and Members’ Meeting of the TEI Consortium at the University of Würzburg, Germany

Post date: 26 April 2011

The University of Michigan Library announced the opening to the public of 2,231 searchable keyed-text editions of books from Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO).

Post date: 28 March 2011

Literature is part of a media world that does not only change the physical aspects of reading by introducing e-books, audio books and
other formats...

Post date: 18 March 2011

On 13 December 2010 the Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing 1700-1945 was publicly launched at the University of Bergamo, Italy. 

Post date: 18 March 2011

“The Undiscovered Country”: Exploring People and Places through Digital Humanities
30 May - 1 June 2011
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs

Post date: 09 March 2011

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Helsinki Corpus, the first comprehensive historical corpus of the English language, ...

Post date: 09 March 2011

The Inaugural Symposium of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities...