Post date: 29 October 2016

The third annual European Association for the Digital Humanities Symposium (EADH Day) will be held in conjunction with the 6th Annual Conference of the Associazione Informatica Umanistica e Culture Digitali (AIUCD, Association for Digital Humanities and Digital Cultures) which will take place at the University Sapienza of Roma from the 24th to the 28th of January 2017 (

Post date: 26 October 2016

The fourth DHBenelux Conference will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 July 2017. The conference will be hosted at the Utrecht University and is open to everyone, including researchers from outside the Benelux.

Post date: 14 October 2016

Starting from the ongoing project of a digital edition of Ferdinand de Saussure’s manuscripts – an enterprise engaging the efforts of several actors (Centre Universitaire d’Informatique de l’Université de Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure, University of Calabria) – the workshop aims at hosting the debate on the design, structuring, realization and maintenance of digital archives and collaborative online editions of modern manuscripts.
The major purpose is to gather various experts in the field of digital humanities and team members involved in modern manuscripts digitalization projects by providing the opportunity to share experiences, problems and solutions.

Post date: 03 October 2016

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invites submission of abstracts for its annual conference, on any aspect of digital humanities.

Post date: 28 September 2016

DHN calls for abstracts for its 2017 conference in Gothenburg, Sweden. The conference is organised by the Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Gothenburg and will be held at the Conference Centre Wallenberg, March 14–16, 2017.

Post date: 27 September 2016

#dariahTeach, an Erasmus+ funded project, invites proposals for papers and presentations for the project’s final closing conference in Lausanne 22-23 March 2017.

Post date: 27 September 2016

Past editions of the International Workshops on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT) have included co-located events exploring the use of linguistic annotations in Digital Humanities. This time, the co-located workshop will also focus on the creation, annotation and use of corpora in Digital Humanities.

Post date: 24 September 2016

The Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e le Culture Digitali (AIUCD) is pleased to announce the sixth edition of its annual conference and invites all interested scholars to submit a proposal.

Post date: 13 September 2016

Kate Joranson and Robin Kear, editors of the forthcoming Chandos book Digital Humanities, Libraries, and Partnerships, seek 500-word proposals for chapters exploring digital humanities projects involving significant partnerships. This edited volume will be a conceptual guide for academic librarians, faculty, and staff who are interested in cultivating partnerships centered on digital humanities work.

Post date: 09 September 2016

The conference "Digital Humanities Centres: Experiences and Perspectives” (Warsawl. 8-9 December 2016) will be an opportunity to share experiences and reflect on the perspectives of DH institutions.

Post date: 01 September 2016

This international conference aims to bring together new and innovative work in the field of literary and cultural studies. After the success of the 2015 conference, organised at Birkbeck College London, Cultural Literacy in Europe has developed into a thriving international organisation, with active membership and Special Interest Groups.

Post date: 24 August 2016

The KU Leuven Intersectionality in DH Conference will offer a platform for this plurality of voices. It will host several lectures and presentations that deal with issues such as gender, inequality, minority report and DH. The Intersectionality in DH Conference will take place from the 15th to the 17th of September, immediately after the KU Leuven Digital Humanities Summer School.

Post date: 29 July 2016

We are pleased to announce that CLE second biennial conference (of which EADH is a partner) will take place in Warsaw, 10-12 May 2017.

Post date: 19 July 2016

The association Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) was founded in 2015. Its aim is to further and strengthen digital humanities research, education, and communication in the Nordic countries including the Baltic States. DHN wants to provide a platform for collaboration and make the Nordic Digital Humanities more visible internationally. DHN favours a broad, inclusive definition of Digital Humanities.

Post date: 17 July 2016

International Digital Humanities Symposium

Växjö, Sweden, 7-8 November 2016

Organized by Digital Humanities Initiative at Linnaeus University

Post date: 07 June 2016

The 7th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2016 will be held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan on December 1-3, 2016.

Post date: 28 May 2016

Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin is calling for papers for its fourth series of the Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin. This initiative, inspired by and connected to London’s Digital Classicist Work in Progress Seminar, is organised in association with the German Archaeological Institute and the Excellence Cluster TOPOI. It will run during the winter term of the academic year 2016/17.

Post date: 11 May 2016

The last few years have witnessed a movement towards a more open and inclusive Digital Humanities field. The Alliance for Digital Humanities Organizations has appointed a Multilingualism/Multiculturalism committee to address these issues and accepted a special interest group, Global Outlook :: Digital Humanities, to try to break down barriers between countries in the Global North and the Global South.

Post date: 19 April 2016

With the goal of highlighting the work of Digital Humanities in French to our audience, DHQ invites you to participate in a special issue of the Digital Humanities Quarterly magazine.

Post date: 24 March 2016

The AIUCD 2016 conference is devoted to the representation and study of the text under different points of view (resources, analysis, infrastructures), in order to bring together philologists, historians, digital humanists, computational linguists, logicians, computer scientists and software engineers and discuss about the text.