Post date: 24 July 2017

The Cologne Centre for eHumanities (CCeH) is organising a three-day symposium from the 8th to the 10th of November at the University of Cologne.

Post date: 19 May 2017

EASSH has launched a campaign for new members to increase the critical mass of the Alliance.

Post date: 13 May 2017

The Japanese Association for Digital Humanities is holding its seventh annual conference at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, September 11-12, 2017.

Post date: 13 May 2017

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) awarded in 1996 a long list of computer scientists from Central and Eastern Europe adding them to the pioneers’ pantheon as an acknowledgement of their work on the evolution of computer science behind the Iron Curtain.

Post date: 26 April 2017

The 6th CLARIN Annual Conference will be held in Budapest, Hungary.

Post date: 24 April 2017

Cultural Literacy in Europe is organizing its Second Biennial Conference in Warsaw from 10 to 12 May 2017.

Post date: 29 March 2017

The 3rd Translation Technologies Summer School focuses on recent advances in Machine Translation and current trends in using MT in professional translation settings, including training customised MT engines, evaluating and post-editing MT output and managing translation projects involving MT.

Post date: 27 March 2017

The Hispanic Digital Humanities. International Society is proud to announce the CFP of its III international conference, HDH2017, which will take place in Málaga, Spain, on October 18th - 20th, 2017.

Post date: 01 March 2017

From 16 to 18 May 2017 Perm State University in cooperation with the Russian Association "History and Computing" holds the International scientific conference "Digital humanities: resources, methods, and research".

Post date: 09 February 2017

The Digital Classicist London seminar invites proposals with a focus on the needs of users/readers, for the summer 2017 season, which will run on Friday afternoons in June and July in the Institute of ClassicalStudies, Senate House, London.

Post date: 09 January 2017

The DATeCH international conference (Göttingen, 1-2 June, 2017) brings together researchers andpractitioners looking for innovative approaches for the creation, transformation and exploitation of historical documents in digitalform.

Post date: 01 January 2017

The Sussex Humanities Lab (SHL) and the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) are pleased to announce that the second ‘Digital Preservation for Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities’ conference (DPASSH 2017) will be held at the University of Sussex, Brighton, 14-15 June 2017.

Post date: 20 December 2016

Magnificat CLM is a broad-based, open-accessed, non-APCs yearbook in CC-BY, ranging from cultural subjects to digital methods of interest to medievalists.

Post date: 19 December 2016

The fourth DHBenelux Conference ( will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 July 2017. The conference will be hosted by Utrecht University and is open to everyone, including researchers from outside the Benelux.

Post date: 19 December 2016

The DH2017 Program Committee invites proposals for workshops and tutorials. The submission deadline is February 17.

Post date: 15 December 2016

Call for papers for the conference "Visualization Processes in the Humanities (VisuHu2017)" taking place at the University of Zurich from July 17 to 19, 2017.

Post date: 07 November 2016

From 5th to 9th June 2017, the fourth international annual conference of the International Federation for Public History (IFPH) will be held at the University of Bologna, Cultural Heritage Department (Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali) located on the Campus of the city of Ravenna.

Post date: 05 November 2016

Panel "The Potential and the Limits of the Digital Humanities" at the 15th International Conference of the German Semiotics Society (DGS) "Borders: Contact - Communication - Contrast" (Passau, 12th-16th September 2017).

Post date: 02 November 2016

iArtHis_Lab -research group at the University of Málaga-, in collaboration with ReArte.Dix (Red Internacional de Estudios Digitales sobre la Cultura Artística - Artistic Culture Digital Studies International Network), organizes the IV International Meeting for Digital Art History Researchers on December 15th and 16th 2016 in Málaga, Spain.