Digital Humanities Network Scotland: Project Presentation Showcase & Unconference

5 Nov 2014 - 00:00

Wednesday 10 December 2014, 5.15pm-8pm

Do you have a digital project to share with the world? Are you interested in learning more about the digital humanities? Do you want to meet others in the DH community in Scotland, and have a say in shaping the activities of DHNetS over the next year?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you are warmly invited to a Project Presentation Showcase and Unconference organised by the Digital Humanities Network Scotland, supported by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and hosted by the University of Strathclyde. We invite colleagues from across Scotland and beyond to come, share some aspect of their digital scholarship, learn about other projects, and make connections with others who have similar interests.

The event will have two parts:

  1. A round of project presentations in a lightning talk format. Presenters will be given three minutes and three slides to present a project or aspect of their digital work. You don't have to be running a huge, research-council funded project: it could be a discovery you made using digital research tools, a discussion of a digital resource or tool that you work with, an idea for a project you are planning, or an interesting example of how you use social media in your work.
  2. A mini-unconference in which we'll solicit suggestions for the network's activities for the year ahead. These could be anything from having a brilliant idea for a funding bid and wanting to find collaborators, brainstorming ways to incorporate DH activities into graduate training, identifying particular tools that we might want to offer workshops on, or anything else you want to propose. We'll take ideas, vote on them to find the most popular, and break into groups to discuss them. This is your network, and we want to hear your ideas.

There will be wine; there will be merriment; there will even be prizes for the best presentations. For those who can stay, we'll be heading to dinner afterwards.

We welcome presentations and participants from everywhere, not only Scotland. Postgraduate students are especially encouraged to attend, as are those who don't necessarily think of themselves as "doing digital humanities". There is no registration fee, though attendees will need to ensure they reserve a place.

You can reserve your place here.

To propose a lightning talk, email with your name, institutional affiliation, contact details, and a 200-300w abstract by Friday 21 Nov 2014.

A limited number of travel bursaries are available to assist graduate students/ECRs/unwaged attendees with the cost of travel to Glasgow. If you would like to apply, please contact for further details.

The event will be held at

Scottish Universities Insight Institute

University of Strathclyde

Collins Building, 22 Richmond Street

Glasgow G1 1XQ

It's a short walk (5 mins) from Queen St station and a map can be found here: