Post date: 16 January 2012

The purpose of ECHIC is to provide a forum to discuss important issues in the field of arts and humanities. More specifically, the Consortium aims to speak up on behalf of

Post date: 10 January 2012

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) makes bursary awards to students and young scholars who have submissions accepted for presentation

Post date: 10 January 2012

On Tuesday 24 January, Professor Claire Warwick will be giving her inaugural lecture, 'The Monologue in a Crowdsourced World: Have Digital Humanities Rendered

Post date: 04 January 2012

The Society for Digital Humanities (SDH/SEMI) invites scholars, practitioners, and graduate students to submit proposals for papers and sessions for its annual meeting

Post date: 02 January 2012

In accordance with the general description of ALLC calls for workshop and project support we hereby call for proposals for workshops and projects

Post date: 22 December 2011

Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, The Humanities High Performance Computing Collaboratory (HpC) is a summer institute for graduate

Post date: 22 December 2011

The Centre for e-Research Seminar Series for Spring 2012 is now available. All events begin at 6.15, in the Anatomy Theatre and Museum, King's College London Strand

Post date: 20 December 2011

The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) has been admitted to the international umbrella group, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations

Post date: 19 December 2011

The Executive Committee of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing is currently considering changing the name of the association to "ALLC: The European Association for Digital

Post date: 19 December 2011

In the frame of the Symposium on Digital Edition of Multiversion Texts, Carmen Isasi from the Universidad de Deusto and Sagrario López Poza from the Universidade da

Post date: 15 December 2011

The students of the Digital Media Master degree program at the University of the Arts, Bremen, are organising a conference: CLAP | Social impact of Digital Media.

Post date: 14 December 2011

This workshop aims at mapping the various ways in which digital tools can help and, indeed, change our scholarly work on "pre-modern" texts, more precisely our means

Post date: 14 December 2011

The amount of literary material available on-line keeps growing rapidly. Not only are there machine-readable texts in libraries, collections and e-book stores, but there

Post date: 12 December 2011

The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, organizational, and social

Post date: 09 December 2011

Huygens ING is pleased to host a symposium to mark the achievements of Interedition, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action IS0704. This event

Post date: 09 December 2011

This inter- and multi-disciplinary conference aims to examine, explore and critically engage with the issues and implications created by the massive exploitation of digital

Post date: 07 December 2011

Social Shaping of Digital Publishing: Exploring the interplay between Culture and Technology. Elpub 2012 will be focusing on the social shaping of digital publishing by

Post date: 05 December 2011

Linguistic annotation of natural language corpora is the backbone of supervised methods of statistical natural language processing. The Sixth LAW will provide a forum for presentation and discussion

Post date: 04 December 2011

The topic of the Fourth Meeting on Digital Philology is the establishment of the critical text, traditionally referred to as the constitutio textus. For texts from the Antiquity and

Post date: 01 December 2011

The Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE) in cooperation with the International Center for Archival Sciences (ICARus)
and the Institute for Austrian Historical Research