Post date: 29 November 2011

Interedition invites all interested to participate in the upcoming Development Bootcamp, which will take place from 11 to 14 January at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

Post date: 26 November 2011

The Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML 2012) aims to bring together researchers and scientists from academia,

Post date: 20 November 2011

The Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE) in collaboration with the Cologne Center for eHumanities and the International Center for Archival Research (ICARus)

Post date: 18 November 2011

Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, The Humanities High Performance Computing Collaboratory (HpC) is a summer institute for graduate

Post date: 16 November 2011

DH in Germany, Austria and Switzerland is surely “alive and kicking”, as a multitude of DH projects as well as funding programs by, among other, the

Post date: 15 November 2011

The Textual Studies team of INKE (Implementing New Knowledge Environments) wish to invite presentation proposals for Beyond Accessibility: Textual Studies in the 21st

Post date: 13 November 2011

The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists from diverse fields of study, such as written and printed culture, visual design and communication, editing

Post date: 13 November 2011

Computer Science Journals (CSC Journals) invites researchers, editors, scientists & scholars to publish their scientific research papers in an International Journal

Post date: 11 November 2011

The Digital Media and Learning (DML) Research Hub invites advanced graduate students and postdoctoral scholars conducting research in the field of Digital Media and Learning

Post date: 07 November 2011

The workshop aims at building a tighter collaboration between people working in various areas of the Humanities (such as literature, philology, history etc.) and the research

Post date: 06 November 2011

This Seminar Series is a wide-ranging programme of events organised every term by CeRch at King's College London. With viewpoints from many disciplines including the

Post date: 18 October 2011

Digital technology is fundamentally altering the way we relate to writing, reading, and the human record itself. The pace of that change has created a gap between core social/cultural practices

Post date: 05 October 2011

The international Program Committee invites submissions of proposals of no more than 1500 words for pre- conferences or specialized Tutorials and Workshops on any aspect of digital

Post date: 01 October 2011

The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities is pleased to announce its inaugural conference, to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra, 28-30 March, 2012.

Post date: 30 September 2011

The London Seminar in Digital Text & Scholarship focuses on the ways in which the digital medium remakes the relationship of readers, writers, scholars, technical

Post date: 26 September 2011

The Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration and its Research Programme ‘Digital Humanities Luxembourg’ — DIHULUX (research unit Identités-Politiques-Sociétés-Espaces

Post date: 26 September 2011

The DHSI (Digital Humanities Summer Institute) Colloquium showcases new and emerging, innovative and engaging work of those at DHSI. Proposals are now being accepted for

Post date: 14 September 2011

The Second International Conference on Culture ans Computing (Culture and Computing 2011) will take place at Kyoto University, Japan, from October 20th

Post date: 13 September 2011

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO) and centerNet are very pleased to announce that with effect from 1 January 2012 centerNet is to become a fully fledged ‘Constituent

Post date: 13 September 2011

The Association for Computers and the Humanities invites nominations for this year's elections. We are electing a president, vice-president, and three Executive Council