Post date: 12 May 2015
Post date: 03 May 2015
Post date: 29 April 2015


Post date: 20 April 2015

Do you work in the Humanities or support people who do?

Are you interested in how the digital can help your research?

Come and learn from experts with participants from around the world, from every field and career stage, to develop your knowledge and acquire new skills

Immerse yourself for a week in one of our 8 workshop strands, and widen your horizons through the keynote and additional sessions


Post date: 16 April 2015

27-30 July, 2015

Hosted by the Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

Organised by: Emily Franzini, Greta Franzini and Maria Moritz

Post date: 08 April 2015
Post date: 24 February 2015