Post date: 26 April 2016

An Associated Organisation to EADH was established at a constituting meeting in Oslo in April last year.

Post date: 19 April 2016

With the goal of highlighting the work of Digital Humanities in French to our audience, DHQ invites you to participate in a special issue of the Digital Humanities Quarterly magazine.

Post date: 03 April 2016

The executive committee of The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) will hold elections for three positions on its executive committee this month and the election committee calls for nominations.

Post date: 27 March 2016

ADHO is pleased to announce that for the DH2016 conference in Krakow the reduced registration fee available to members of ADHO Constituent Organisations will be offered to members of the francophone association Humanistica.

Post date: 24 March 2016

The Program Committee for Digital Humanities 2016 (Kraków, Poland) is pleased to announce that registration has opened.

Post date: 24 March 2016

The AIUCD 2016 conference is devoted to the representation and study of the text under different points of view (resources, analysis, infrastructures), in order to bring together philologists, historians, digital humanists, computational linguists, logicians, computer scientists and software engineers and discuss about the text.

Post date: 01 March 2016

The ADHO Conference Coordinating Committee now invites proposals to host the following DH conference, in 2019.

Post date: 17 February 2016

Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities (Day of DH) is a project looking at a day in the work life of people involved in digital humanities computing. Every year it draws people from across the world together to document, with text and image, the events and activities of their day. The goal of the project is to weave together the journals of participants into a resource that seeks to answer, “Just what do digital humanists really do?"

Post date: 03 February 2016

The (preliminary) programm of DHd 2016 has been published and EADH makes available one bursary of € 300 for participants of the 2nd EADH day whose proposal has been accepted.

Post date: 30 January 2016

The 3rd DH Benelux conference will take place on 9-10 June 2016, at the City-of-Science-Belval, Luxembourg organised by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) and the University of Luxembourg.

Post date: 22 January 2016

We are happy to announce that the 7th European Summer University in Digital Humanities will take place in Leipzig from the 19th to the 29th of July 2016.

Post date: 04 January 2016

This workshop will bring together archaeologists and architectural historians to present their most challenging ideas alongside researchers who have used digital techniques to enhance the way they approach the preservation and analysis of ancient architecture.

Post date: 01 January 2016

The Second Annual European Association for the Digital Humanities Symposium (EADH Day) will be held in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference of the "Association Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (Digital Humanities in German speaking regions)" which will take place at the University of Leipzig from the 7th to the 12th of March 2016.

Post date: 11 December 2015

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Standing Committee on Awards has announced the Call For Nominations for the 2017 Antonio Zampolli Prize. The Zampolli Prize recognizes a single output in the field of Digital Humanities by any scholar or scholars at any stage of their careers. As such, it offers a unique opportunity to reward individual projects that have been either formative or had a decisive impact upon the field as a whole. As the prize is awarded to the project as a whole, the recipients can be a single individual or a collaborative group of scholars, researchers and/or practitioners. The output recognized can take any form: published research, developed resources or tool(s) for research. To be eligible for the prize, the nominated project must involve in the innovative use of information and communications technologies.

Post date: 05 December 2015

We are glad to announce that a member of our Executive Committee, Elena Gónzález-Blanco, has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant 2015 for POSTDATA – POETRY STANDARDIZATION AND LINKED OPEN DATA.

Post date: 25 November 2015

We are glad to announce that our current EADH president, prof. Karina van Dalen-Oskam, has been elected new chair of the ADHO Steering Committee (SC).

Post date: 22 November 2015

Special Issue ‘Digital Humanities 2014' edited by Melissa Terras, Claire Clivaz, Deb Verhoeven and Frederic Kaplan

Post date: 22 November 2015

The EADH is glad to announce that the program for the fourth annual AIUCD conference ("Digital humanities and cultural heritage: what relationship?") is now available.

Post date: 06 November 2015

The association Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries has been founded in 2015. Its aim is to further and strengthen digital humanities research, education, and communication in the Nordic countries. DHN wants to provide a platform for collaboration within the Nordic countries and make the Nordic Digital Humanities more visible internationally. DHN favors a broad, inclusive definition of Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries calls for papers for its 1st Nordic Conference and Constitutive Meeting . The conference is organized by the Oslo Digital Humanities Research Network in collaboration with the Norwegian National Library and the Digital Humanities Center at Gothenburg University and will be held at the Norwegian National Library and The University of Oslo, March 15–17, 2016 in Oslo, Norway.

Post date: 18 October 2015

With the goal of highlighting the work of Digital Humanities in Spanish to their audience, DHQ is inviting authors to participate in a special issue of the Digital Humanities Quarterly magazine.