EADH calls for nominations
1 Apr 2016 - 00:00
The executive committee of The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) will hold elections for three positions on its executive committee this month and the election committee calls for nominations. See our Constitution for more information.
Any member of the association may be nominated for election to the committee provided
- the nomination is supported by two members of the association other than the nominee,
- the nominee confirms his or her willingness to serve in writing,
- and the nomination reaches the EADH secretary by April 16, 2016.
The nominee must include a statement of about 200 words indicating why he or she wishes to stand for election and how he or she wishes to serve the EADH.
Nominations may be sent to nominations@eadh.org no later than midnight, April 16, 2016 (GMT).
Questions about serving on the EADH committee position may be addressed confidentially to Bárbara Bordalejo (Chair of the nominating committee).