Post date: 20 June 2013

Some very quick updates regarding the Digital Humanities 2013 conference: We have posted some more hotel options on the  web site, as the room block at the

Post date: 11 June 2013

The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) has planned a full array of activities and events for the upcoming Digital Humanities conference

Post date: 10 June 2013

Whereas humanities can be described as the investigation of different forms of human experience, digital humanities with respect to the subject of

Post date: 06 June 2013

The past fifteen years has seen a resurgence of interest in a formal understanding and computational applications of the phenomenon of narrative.

Post date: 05 June 2013

The Volkswagen Foundation’s Herrenhausen Conference on the topic of “(Digital) Humanities Revisited – Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age”

Post date: 31 May 2013

As digital humanities increasingly gains profile in traditional humanities departments, teaching (with) text encoding is becoming of greater interest in graduate

Post date: 31 May 2013

The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical,

Post date: 29 May 2013

Balisage is an annual conference devoted to the theory and practice of descriptive markup and related technologies for structuring and managing information

Post date: 21 May 2013
Special Issue ‘Digital Humanities 2011: Big Tent Digital Humanities’. Edited by Katherine Walter, Matt Jockers and Glen Worthey, Volume 28 Issue 2 June 2013 
Post date: 17 May 2013

The CVCE, together with the Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration (University of Luxembourg, FLSHASE) and its research

Post date: 17 May 2013

Based on centerNet's DayofDH iniatiative (  the aim of this project is to document for one day what

Post date: 14 May 2013

The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) is pleased to announce that Perth, Western Australia, has been selected as the location

Post date: 13 May 2013

In the last few years, collections of digital text have strongly increased in number, especially in the field of humanities. Digital libraries of full-text documents, including

Post date: 13 May 2013

The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners interested in applying computational linguistics to literature and other rhetorical texts. Because

Post date: 03 May 2013

The 2nd International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing (HaPoC 2013) will take place from the 28th to the 31st of October 2013 at the Ecole

Post date: 30 April 2013

The Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School (DHOxSS) is a special training event for anyone working in the Digital Humanities. If you are a

Post date: 24 April 2013

Some critics may have you believe that computer game studies lack theoretical rigor, that games cannot afford meaningful experiences. I

Post date: 19 April 2013

The 10th conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship will be organised at the École normale supérieure in Paris by the Institut des textes et manuscrits

Post date: 19 April 2013

A workshop on Big Data and the Humanities will be held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2013),

Post date: 18 April 2013

The Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae project (Milà i Fontanals Institution, CSIC – Universitat de Barcelona) has the pleasure to announce