CfP: 3rd international Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2013)
26th September 2013 in Valetta, Malta
During the last quarter of a century the explosion in digital content creation and use has transformed the relationship individuals and society have with information. Therefore, sustainable long-term curation approaches to our digital cultural heritage are essential. Handling digital content in secure ways poses many socio-cultural and technological challenges. Changing technologies and shifting user communities as well as the increasing complexity of digital content being enriched with software and multimedia attachments are a couple of examples. Addressing the obstacles to curation and preservation is the central theme of the workshop. This full day workshop is an exciting opportunity for collaboration and cross-fertilization between the Digital Libraries, the Digital Preservation and the Semantic Web community. A closer dialogue between the technical oriented communities and researchers from the (digital) humanities and social sciences as well as cultural heritage institutions is encouraged
Topics of Interest
- Archival information systems (AIS)
- AIS Architectures
- Archival information infrastructure frameworks (AII)
- Ontologies & linked data for AIS, AII and digital libraries
- Logical theories for digital archives & digital preservation
- Knowledge evolution
- (Semantic) provenance models
- Contextualization of archives
- Semantic long-term storage & hardware organization for AIS & AII
- Semantic extensions of emulation/virtualization methodologies tailored for AIS/AII
- Semantic multimedia AIS, AII & multimedia libraries
- Implementations & evaluations of (semantic) AIS, AII & semantic digital libraries
- Preservation of scientific and research data
- Preservation of work flow processes
- Semantic search & semantic information retrieval in digital archives and digital libraries
- Implementations and evaluations of semantic digital archives
- User studies focusing on end-user needs and information seeking behavior of end-users (document triage)
- Web Archives
- (Semantic) Preservation Processes and Protocols
- Semantic (Web) services implementing AIS & AII
- Information integration/semantic ingest (e.g. from digital libraries)
- Trust for ingest & data security/integrity check for long-term storage of archival records
- Semantic extensions of emulation/virtualization methodologies for digital archives
- Migration strategies based on Semantic Web technologies Submission Details
Submission Details
- regular papers (8 to 12 pages)
- short papers (2 to 6 pages)
Please submit your manuscript using the EasyChair online submission system:
All submissions will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee. All papers accepted at the Semantic Digital Archives Workshop must be presented during the Workshop by a SDA Workshop registered participant. Papers presented at the Workshop will be published in the Workshop proceedings, which will be available as a separate publication after the Workshop.
Further Details: http://sda2013.dke-research.deImportant Dates
Organizing Committee & Program Commitee