1st Workshop on Histoinformatics (Histoinformatics 2013)
1st Workshop on Histoinformatics (Histoinformatics 2013)
Held in conjunction with 5th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2013), 25 November 2013, Kyoto, Japan
Paper submission deadline October 6, 2013
The length of short papers extended to 10 pages!
The 1st International Workshop on Histoinformatics aims at fostering the interaction between Computer Science and Historical Science towards "Computational History".
This interdisciplinary initiative is a response to the growing popularity of Digital Humanities and an increased tendency to apply computer techniques for supporting and facilitating research in Humanities. Nowadays, due to the increasing activities in digitizing and opening historical sources, the Science of History can greatly benefit from the advances of Computer and Information sciences which consist of processing, organizing and making sense of data and information. As such, new Computer Science techniques can be applied to verify and validate historical assumptions based on text reasoning, image interpretation or memory understanding.
Our objective is to provide for the two different research communities a place to meet and exchange ideas and to facilitate discussion. We hope the workshop will result in a survey of current problems and potential solutions, with particular focus on exploring opportunities for collaboration and interaction of researchers working on various subareas within Computer Science and History Sciences.
The main topics of the workshop are that of supporting historical research and analysis through the application of Computer Science theories or technologies, analyzing and making use of historical texts, recreating past course of actions, analyzing collective memories, visualizing historical data, providing efficient access to large wealth of accumulated historical knowledge and so on.
The detailed topics of expected paper submissions are (but not limited to):
Full paper submissions are limited to 14 pages, while short paper submissions should be less than 10 pages (extended). Submissions should be sent in English in PDF via the submission website (see the website for link). They should be formatted according to Springer LNCS paper formatting guidelines. They must be original and have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated by at least three different reviewers from both computer and history science areas. Paper submission deadline: October 6, 2013 Speaker: Prof. Antal van Den Bosch (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) - Robert Allen (Drexel University, USA)
The accepted papers will be published by Springer as post proceedings volume (to appear after the workshop).
Important dates
Notification of acceptance: October 25, 2013
Camera ready copy deadline: November 5, 2013
Workshop date: Nov 25, 2013Invited Talk
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee