EADH Communications Interns Sought!
The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) seeks three students interested in communicating about digital humanities (DH) to its community of (potential) practitioners and the wider community of scholars interested in DH. Specifically social media correspondents would see that the EADH web site is kept up to date with respect to events, calls for papers, and important developments, and would use blogging and tweeting to engage the DH community more immediately.
We hope that DH social media correspondents will find these tasks professionally rewarding, and we'll also offer 500 GBP/annum as a bursary to those taking on the internships for one year. We hope to hear from candidates from a range of regions and humanities disciplines!
Please send a letter describing your motivation and what you might add to the communications effort, including a brief curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two people willing to write a note in support of your application, to Prof. Jan Rybicki, EADH Communications Officer. Please post your applications to jkrybicki[at]gmail.com before Oct. 1, 2013.