CfP: British Society for Literature and Science Conference 2013

12 Nov 2012 - 00:00

Cardiff University and the University of Glamorgan

The British Society for Literature and Science invites proposals for papers and panels to be delivered at its eighth annual conference to be held in Cardiff, 11-13 April 2013. The BSLS Conference does not have a theme (as it its usual practise) but especially welcomes proposals on the state of the field of literature and science as well as its relation to their fields. This year we would be particularly interested to receive proposals that reflectupon the interdisciplinary study of literature and science in the context of the debate about the present position of the humanities in academia. However, the Society remains committed to supporting proposals on all aspects of literature and science across all periods. Proposals for papers of 15-20 minutes should
be sent in the body of the email text (no attachments, please), to bsls2013[at], with the subject line "BSLS 2013 abstract".

Submissions should include the title of the paper, an abstract of no more than 300 words, a maximum of 3 keywords (placed at the end of the abstract), and the name and contact details of the speaker.