Call for EADH Secretary

5 Mar 2025 - 00:00

The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) is looking for a member to fulfil the role of Secretary of the Association as soon as possible. The Secretary is one of the Officers and Trustees of EADH and a voting member of the Executive Committee, and they are elected to the post for a period of two years (2025-2027). This position presents an opportunity to explore the wider world of Digital Humanities whilst getting to know colleagues from different backgrounds. Applicants should be familiar with EADH and have strong organisational and administrative skills.

The duties of the Secretary include:

  • Scheduling meetings of the Executive Committee, Officers, and Trustees
  • Producing and circulating agendas for these meetings
  • Taking minutes of the same meetings and generating action points
  • Compiling a report for the Annual General Meeting
  • Organising polls, counting votes, and recording decisions
  • Sending communications to the Executive Committee
  • Administrating the EADH mailing lists

We are seeking an individual whose interests align with the aims of EADH and who would like to contribute to the development of the Association in positive and enthusiastic ways. The multilingual and multicultural environment of EADH requires cultural sensitivity as well as a willingness to learn from others. 

To express interest in taking on this important role, please contact our current Secretary, Zoe Screti ( by 16 March 2025, and we will be in touch as soon as possible. Zoe will lead the new Secretary through an onboarding process, and the Secretary will also have support from the Executive Committee, the Trustees, the Deputy Chair, and the Interim Chair of EADH.