Call for papers: 6th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference

Data, humanities & language: tools & applications

September 26-28, 2018

University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

The conference seeks to share knowledge and support co-operation in digital humanities in Estonia and internationally. This year the main focus is on methods, applications and tools for working with textual data and language. Additionally, contributions from all areas associated with digital and computational humanities are welcome in order to develop a stronger community of the field in Estonia and neighbouring countries.

The aim of the conference is, inter alia, to promote the exchanging of ideas and experiences between the representatives of various fields within the humanities and the bordering disciplines. We therefore welcome historians, archivists, memory institutions, literary scholars, linguists, social scientists, computer scientists, data analysts, geographers etc.

Following is a non-exhaustive list of possible topics:

  • Automatization vs manual effort in text processing
  • Applications and potentials of text mining
  • Digitization of texts (recognition, transcription, annotation)
  • Archiving and preservation of textual data in memory institutions
  • Methods in analysis of textual data
  • Data visualization, presentation
  • Combining text and other sources of data
  • DH and traditional scholarship
  • DH and data science
  • Career prospects in DH
  • Non-textual sources for DH

Paper presentations can be either 10 min + 5 min for discussion (work in progress reports) or 20 min + 10 min for discussion. Submit a proposal for a paper, poster or workshop containing your full name, institutional and disciplinary affiliation, the title and an abstract of your paper (max 500 words) via an e-mail to In case of presentations, please specify your preferred category - a 20-minute paper or a 10-minute paper. Also include three to five keywords. The abstract should be a pdf file with the last name of the (first) author as the name of the file.

Participants can also propose workshops. Please contact the organisers for further details.

Deadline for abstracts and workshop proposals is extended to June 22 July 10.

Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent by June 30 July 20.

Conference participation fee is 20 EUR. The fee includes the conference dinner.

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