MAKING AI: Advancing creative approaches to the design of AI systems through the craft of making them
AI Yesterday, a digital zine and transmedia forum, is hosting a workshop on AI’s materiality at ACM Creativity & Cognition June 20th in Venice. We are looking for participants to join us in a day of making, research and reflection with the physical materials that underpin AI systems. Those that are conventionally considered to ‘make’ AI through the design of AI systems are largely divorced from AI’s materiality and the craft of making AI. We hope to push participants beyond the theoretical knowing of AI materiality to tactile knowing through a practice-based approach to ‘making’ AI. Reorienting the focus of AI to materials and the supply chain as sites of creative intervention could leverage the potential of sensory, tactile experiences to spur re-imaginations of AI technologies and infrastructures.
Project Team: Margaret McGrath, Nancy Salem, Laurel Boxall
Funders: TORCH-Minderoo Fund in AI Governance