DH_BUDAPEST_2019 **Deadline extended**
The Centre for Digital Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE.DH) calls for abstracts for its second annual conference which will take place in Budapest, 25–27 September 2019 – in collaboration with the COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History project and the DARIAH Central European Hub. While last year the conference seeked to survey the current state of research in digital humanities in general, this year DH_Budapest_2019 will keep a narrower focus on theories and practices of distant reading.
The term distant reading (i.e. using computational methods of analysis for large collections of texts) is meant here in a general sense: regardless of genres and disciplines on the side of the used or built corpus, and regardless of computational methods adopted or developed during the research. We encourage speakers to present their work where innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods play a key role in a scientifically relevant research.
We invite submission of abstracts on subjects from a variety of fields related to digital humanities and social sciences concerning but not limited to the topics below:
- corpus building using markup languages
- automatic and manual corpus annotation
- named entity recognition (NER) and named entity linking (NEL)
- wikification, wikiDATA linking
- stylometry, authorship attribution
- vector spaces and neural networks as distant reading tools
- network modelling, prosopographical networks
- distant reading of historical sources
- digital literacy, digital pedagogy
Presentation categories
Individual presentation
Individual presentations (20 minutes long followed by a 5-minutes Q&A) are suitable for presenting current research or completed but previously unpublished research concerning theory, methodology, or project outcomes. Papers with a concrete and distinguishable digital humanities research question and/or approach are encouraged. Instead of presenting large DH projects, we encourage speakers to focus on a relevant scholarly research question, methods and solutions based on or inherent in the project.
Poster presentations are useful to demonstrate projects and ongoing research, moreover, they are intended to be interactive with the opportunity to exchange ideas one-on-one with attendees. For each poster a short, 5 min. presentation will be possible during the poster session which will be followed by some free time for the attendees to go around and ask the presenters some questions.
Requirements: Posters should be in A1 paper format, and can be aligned either vertically or horizontally.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is 15th 31st May. Presenters will be notified of acceptance by 31 May 15 June 2019.
Abstracts of 500 words and a short bibliography can be submitted via EasyChair. Please also indicate the type of your proposal (individual presentation or poster) and provide 3-5 keywords relevant to your project.
The registration fee is 50 EUR.
We encourage our speakers to submit their presented papers to the International Journal of Digital Humanities published by the Centre for Digital Humanities in association with Springer Nature.
For the latest information, please visit our website: http://elte-dh.hu/conf2019/