CfP: Markup UK 2019, King’s College London, June 8-9 2019
What is Markup UK?
Markup UK is a conference for anyone interested in the use of XML and other markup technologies.
Why should you submit a proposal?
After a successful inaugural conference in 2018, the Markup UK team is particularly keen to encourage paper submissions from digital humanists, linguists, archivists, and those using markup for cultural heritage and educational projects. If you've integrated any type of markup into your project, and you'd like the chance to discuss it with a friendly audience of data analysts, academics, software engineers, and other markup geeks, you should submit an abstract.
How to submit
If you’d like to discuss an idea or find out more about the conference before submitting, please contact the team on Twitter (@markupUKorg) or email ( - they’re always happy to chat to prospective speakers and attendees, especially those who are new to conferencing! On the other hand, if you have an abstract (of 500+ words) ready to go, visit for information on how to submit.