Call for papers DHN 2019

30 Sep 2018 - 00:00

6-8 March 2019, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

The DHN conferences aim to provide an overview of research, education and communication about the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities. In 2019, the conference seeks to extend the scope of digital humanities research covered, both into new areas, as well as beyond the Nordic and Baltic countries, see also DHN2019.

The conference will be held at the University of Copenhagen March 6–8, 2019 and will be organised by a consortium consisting of departments at the Faculty of Humanities, University of CopenhagenThe Royal Library and the research infrastructure project DIGHUMLAB.

Submissions of A) papers and B) workshops and tutorials are invited.

A) Call for papers

Submissions are invited in any aspect of research related to digital humanities. These include, but are not limited to:

  • humanities research made possible through digital media, computer applications, AI and other emerging technologies;
  • digital arts, digital games, new media, and related areas;
  • digital cultural studies;
  • computer applications in literary, linguistic, cultural, and historical studies;
  • theoretical, social, multicultural and multilingual aspects of digital humanities

The following special themes are proposed:

  1. NLP methods and resources for digital humanities: this theme comprises NLP rule-based or data-driven approaches as well as tools and data for processing and visualizing texts and/or speech
  2. multimodality in digital humanities and digital arts: the theme covers inter alia research addressing various modalities and modi, such as speech and gestures in communication, texts and images, film, lyrics and music
  3. digital pedagogy comprising tools and methods for e-learning as well as digital humanities in academic curricula and pedagogy
  4. citizen science in digital humanities, crowdsourcing, open source: the theme also includes discussion of GDPR and other legal aspects

Two types of submission will be accepted:

  1. Publication ready texts. Accepted papers will be submitted to the CEUR-WS proceedings series for publication in a citable form. Layout for the papers should follow the Springer LNCS templates in order to ensure a uniform look for the proceedings ( Publication ready texts can have the following length:
  2. Long paper: 4,000-6,000 words, presented in 20 min plus 10 min for Q&A
  3. Short paper: 2,000-4,000 words, presented in 10 min plus 5 min for Q&A
  4. Poster/demo: 1,000-2,000 words, presented as an A1 academic poster in a poster exhibition.
  5. Abstracts of 500-1500 words. Proposals are expected to indicate a preference between a) short, or b) poster/demo format for presentation Approved abstracts will be published in a book of abstracts on the conference website.

B) Call for workshops and tutorials

In addition to individual papers, the conference calls for interested parties to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held preceding the conference. Workshops gather together participants around a particular subtopic, while tutorials present a useful tool or method of interest to the digital humanities community. Workshops and tutorials can take the form of either a half or a full day session, and they will take place the day prior to the conference.

Proposals should include the session format, title, and a short description of its topic (max 2000 words) as well as the contact information of the person/s responsible. Proposals should also include the following: intended audience, approximate number of participants, and any special technical requirements.

Submission website

The submission website will be published soon. Questions can be mailed to costanza at with the text DHN2019 in the subject line.

Important dates:

13 August 2018: first call for proposals
30 September 2018: deadline for submitting workshop/tutorial proposals
15 October 2018: acceptance of workshop/tutorials
21 October 2018: deadline for submitting papers
8 January 2019: paper acceptance notification
5 February 2019: submission of final version of accepted papers taking into account the comments
made by the reviewers

Programme Committee:

Costanza Navarretta, University of Copenhagen (chair)
Manex Agirrezabal, University of Copenhagen
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, DigHumLab
Matthew James Driscoll, University of Copenhagen
Koraljka Golup, Linnaeus University
Olga Holownia, British Library
Ditte Laursen, Royal Danish Library
Jun Liu, University of Copenhagen
Bente Maegaard, University of Copenhagen
Asko Nivala, University of Turku
Christian-Emil Smith Ore, University of Oslo
Sanita Reinsone, University of Latvia
Annika Rockenberger, The National Library of Norway
Mikko Tolonen, University of Helsinki

Local Organisers:

Bente Maegaard, University of Copenhagen
Manex Agirrezabal, University of Copenhagen
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, DigHumLab
Matthew James Driscoll, University of Copenhagen
Ditte Laursen, Royal Danish Library
Jun Liu, University of Copenhagen
Costanza Navarretta, University of Copenhagen


The conference will be held at the University of Copenhagen March 6–8, 2019 and will be organised by a consortium consisting of departments at the Faculty of Humanities, University of CopenhagenThe Royal Library and the research infrastructure project DIGHUMLAB.