CfP: Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
1st Nordic Conference and Constitutive Meeting
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries calls for papers for its 1st Nordic Conference and Constitutive Meeting (March 15-17 2016). The conference is organized by the Oslo Digital Humanities Research Network in collaboration with the Norwegian National Library and the Digital Humanities Center at Gothenburg University.
General information
The deadline for proposals is Nov 15, 2015 Nov 30, 2015 (midnight GMT). Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the program committee by Jan 15, 2016.
Conference languages are Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and English.
Type of proposals
1) Posters
Posters (abstracts: 750 words) can be proposed in any of the topics mentioned in the call for papers. They can also show ongoing projects or present a tool or a software. Posters (format A0) will be displayed throughout the conference at the venue site and should be self explanatory, visually catching, and provide contact information.
2) Papers
Papers (abstracts: 750 words) present research and/or report about recently developed methods or new digital resources or discuss a theoretical or methodological question. Paper presentations are supposed to take 20 min plus 10 min time for discussion. Show & tell presentations of projects or tools are welcome, too, with 15 min presentation time plus 15 min Q&A.
3) Sessions
Sessions consist of three papers linked by a leading question. In addition to abstracts for each paper, the organiser/s of the section are asked to describe the leading question and the links between the individual papers in a 500 words abstract.
4) Pre- or Post-Conference Workshops
Workshops take about half a day, either prior to the conference (Tuesday morning to lunch) or after the conference (Thursday from lunch to late afternoon).
Proposals should include the workshop’s title and a short description of its topic (1500 words), contact information of the person/s responsible and a line about their research fields and interests. It should also include the approximate number of participants and the kind of technical equipment that will be needed. The workshop proposal might include a separate call for papers/letters of motivation for the workshop.
Participants in the workshops must be registered for the conference.
See the original announcement.