Reminder: Proposals to DH 2013

2 Oct 2012 - 00:00

Reminder: the deadline approaches for proposals to Digital Humanities 2013, to be held in Lincoln, Nebraska this July! Proposals can now be submitted online:

Abstracts for short and long papers, posters, and panel sessions are due by midnight GMT on 1 November 2012.

Proposals for pre-conference workshops and tutorials will be accepted until 15 February 2013.

Authors are encouraged to read the CFP carefully and to review the following guidelines, which outline some changes to this year's review process:

On behalf of the international program committee,
Bethany Nowviskie, Chair

DH 2013 PC:
Craig Bellamy (ACH)
John Bradley (ALLC)
Paul Caton (ACH)
Carolyn Guertain (CSDH/SCHN)
Ian Johnson (aaDH)
Bethany Nowviskie (ACH, chair)
Sarah Potvin (cN)
Jon Saklofske (CSDH/SCHN)
Sydney Shep (aaDH)
Melissa Terras (ALLC, vice-chair)
Tomoji Tabata (ALLC)
Deb Verhoeven (aaDH)
Ethan Watrall (cN)