Nominations for ACH's Executive Council
The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) invites nominations for this year's elections. We are electing three Executive Council members to four-year terms and one to fill a 1-year vacancy, and seek candidates who want to advance the field of digital humanities by helping to run the ACH.
ACH officers and Executive Council members form ACH's policies, decide how we will spend funds, and oversee all activities. These include our mentorship program and jobs slams, advocacy work, bursaries for DH training programs, publications like Digital Humanities Quarterly and DH Answers, and our collaborations with ADHO partners in the annual DH conference, along with its prestigious awards and student bursaries. You could be involved in helping ACH programs succeed by nominating yourself to be an active participant in the life of the Association.
To be confirmed to the Executive Council, candidates must be members of the ACH. They commit to attending annual council meetings at the DH conference and hold discussions during the rest of the year by email and Skype. Council members are expected to be active in the digital humanities community. But these are not roles reserved to those in senior positions: graduate students have often served on the council, and demonstrated commitment to the organization and to the field counts for more with our membership than job titles.
Send nominations to ach-nominations[at]
For more information on the responsibilities and obligations of ACH
council members, see
Current officers of the ACH are listed at
Many thanks,
ACH Nominations Committee
Katherine L. Walter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Chair
Johanna Drucker, UCLA
Matt Jockers, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ernesto Priani, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Ex officio members
Bethany Nowviskie, ACH President
Stefan Sinclair, ACH Vice President
Jarom McDonald, ACH Treasurer