Institutional models for humanities computing
Willard McCarty (King's College London)
Matthew Kirschenbaum (University of Maryland)
As of April 2007 "Institutional models for humanities computing" (IMHC) has been superseded by a wiki-based listing of centres, societies, tools, discussion groups and publications, at The newer resource can be edited by registered users and so is better able to reflect the current state of affairs.
The following is a structured list of departments, centres, institutes and other institutional forms that variously instantiate humanities computing. It is an official publication of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing. From 2003 it is a yearly feature of Literary and Linguistic Computing (LLC, published by Oxford University Press) but will also be maintained online (s. above) and updated as needs be.
For each entry a link is provided to the relevant site on the WWW and a brief description given. This list represents an ongoing attempt to derive a basic typology from a complex variety of activities and so to provide institutional models for the field. Despite the fact that national academic conventions vary quite widely and cultural differences make comparisons difficult if not hazardous, no attempt has been made here to account for them. The intention is not to define what is happening in the field world-wide, rather it is to provoke discussion leading either to consensus or at least to an improved understanding of the conditions under which computing humanists work. Constructive criticisms and clarifications are not merely welcome, they are to the point.
In discriminating one institutional centre from another, we have asked the following questions:
- Does the centre pursue research in humanities computing, and if so, is this research academic? Is it undertaken by the centre either as a whole or through projects conducted by some or all of its members, for whom such research is part of their job description, or is its direction determined by members of other departments?
- Does the centre offer its own courses or programmes? If so, are these academic, i.e. count towards a degree or other formally recognised certification, either in humanities computing or as a component of a joint degree? Do its members supervise or co-supervise thesis projects at the MA or PhD level?
- Does it provide support for members of academic departments and students? If so, is this support specifically collegial, i.e. given by one colleague to another, ranging from occasional consulting to full-scale collaboration at the level of co-investigator?
- Does it make academic appointments or share them with one or more other departments?
- Does it participate in institution-wide decision-making on issues related to IT in teaching and research?
No judgement is expressed or implied as to the worth of the centres under consideration; rather our attempt here is to provide some measure of their participation in the fundamental activities of institutionalised scholarship.
Our listings are arranged relative to the disciplinary perspectives of humanities computing as these have traditionally been understood. One practical consequence of this is that we have sometimes chosen to subordinate an organization of centre's institutional status or structural identity to its topical focus; a case in point would be the listing for the Alliance for Computers and Writing, where an emphasis on teaching and instruction seemed more important to us in our contexts than the ACW's status as an organization per se.
Beyond humanities computing proper, the scope of these listings is, of course, potentially vast. We have been necessarily subjective and selective in choosing additional areas of emphasis. For example, new media arts and design are fairly heavily represented; fields such as instructional technology and distance-learning are not. Centres which support computing activities without disciplinary distinction, mixing the humanities with other areas of application indifferently, are excluded altogether. We are aware of such shortcomings in the coverage we present.
For a discussion of exclusively European centres with links, see Tito Orlandi et al., 'European studies on formal methods in the humanities', in Koenraad de Smedt et al., Computing in Humanities Education: A European Perspective (Bergen: aco*hum, 1999).
Corrections, additions and suggestions most welcome, to Willard McCarty (willard.mccarty [at] Items marked as new are new since the last printed version of the listing.
Research, teaching and collegial service
Units listed here conduct research and offer academic courses and programmes in the field; they also provide collegial support for and collaboration with members of other academic departments. Some members of these units hold academic appointments either in or primarily associated with humanities computing.
Alfa Informatica
University of Notre Dame
The study of language, history and culture from a computational perspective, integrating theoretical, experimental and practical aspects of this study; very strong emphasis on computational linguistics.
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London
United Kingdom
An academic department and research centre in the School of Humanities that offers undergraduate minor and MA programmes, promotes the appropriate application of computing in humanities research and provides collegial support to its sister departments.
Centre for Technology and the Arts
De Montfort University
United Kingdom
Carries out multi-disciplinary research on the use of computer methods in the arts and humanities; creates specialized computer tools for researchers, including electronic publishing systems; teaches new computer-based methods and tools, with research degree work at the MPhil and PhD level; engages in collaborative research and publishing projects nationally and internationally.
Centro Interdipartimentale Servizi Automazione Discipline Umanistiche
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Serves the departments of the Faculty of 'Lettere e Filosofia'; it aims to develop computer-assisted research projects and software-application courses for the staff of the Faculty; to provide access to the networks and help with formatting and printing; and to support the Centre's academic course in applied computing.
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII)
University of Glasgow
United Kingdom
Offers an academic programme in humanities computing at introductory, honours and postgraduate levels, and organises a summer school on digitisation for heritage professionals; operates departmentally-based computer teaching classrooms and laboratories of the Faculties of Arts and Divinity; supports collaborative research projects and manages its own research programme.
Humanities Media and Computing
Hamilton, Ontario
McMaster University
Offers academic courses in humanities computing and a Multimedia@McMaster: Combined Honours Programme in Multimedia; provides support for administrative, research and instructional computing within the Faculty of Humanities; introduces and encourages initiatives for instructional and research computing; represents the Faculty of Humanities on university and external committees.
Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) and the Media Studies @ Virginia
University of Virginia
United States
IATH appoints academic Fellows, who are provided with consulting, technical support, applications programming and networked publishing facilities; cultivates partnerships with libraries, publishers, information technology companies, scholarly organizations and others interested in the intersection of computers and cultural heritage. The MA in Digital Humanities offered by Media Studies (currently on hold) covers topics in design, description of problems in terms of algorithms and data structures, and recovery of tacit knowledge for computational implementation.
Matrix: the Center for Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online
East Lansing
Michigan State
United States
"Devoted to the application of new technologies in humanities and social science teaching and research. the Center creates and maintains online resources, provides training in computing and new teaching technologies, and creates forums for the exchange of ideas and expertise in new teaching technologies." It offers a Humanities Computing Certificate to those who complete its programme; postgraduate students may also take the course for credit.
Pallas (Humanities Computing)
University of Exeter
United Kingdom
Operates as an academic department providing major and minor academic programmes in humanities computing at introductory, honours and postgraduate levels; the programme includes a BA in Information Technology; operates departmentally-based computer teaching classrooms; supports collaborative research projects and manages its own research programme in video conferencing and digitisation.
Seksjon for humanistisk informatikk
Universitetet i Bergen
A small research and teaching unit specialising in digital culture (media, history, aesthetics, philosophy), learning tools and environments, and machine translation; three tenured professors, two research fellows; BA and PhD programmes, an MA currently being planned.
Research and teaching
These offer academic courses and colloquia, conduct research and publish. Some members hold academic appointments either in or closely associated with humanities computing.
Arbeitsstelle Computerphilologie
Universität Hamburg
Conducts research in 'computer philology' with strong emphasis on narratology, holds seminars and courses in collaboration with other departments of the university and offers a certificate in the subject.
Cultures Anglophone et Technologies de l'Information
Conducts computer-assisted research in the humanities, specifically the history of representation with a focus on urban life; conducts courses and colloquia; publishes proceedings, research results, multimedia products (CD-ROM Georgian Cities, Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2000); puts online research and leaning resources on its website; is project leader of a national consortium for training students in humanities computing skills and search strategies (Campus Numérique 2001, "Réseaux.doc", 2001).
Historich-Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung
Universität Köln
Offers a degree programme providing teaching at all levels from undergraduate courses to PhD supervision; very strong emphasis on computer science. A new degree course offering a diploma in Medieninformatik (computer science for new media) starts winter 2002 / 2003. The HKI is involved in research projects with strong emphasis on software engineering; current projects include the Codices Electronici Ecclesiae Coloniensis and Prometheus, a digital picture archive.
Teaching programmes
Teaching programmes that offer a humanities computing option or specialisation; to be distinguished from non-major courses, also known as 'computer science for poets'.
Computer Applications (CAPP)
Notre Dame, Indiana
University of Notre Dame
United States
A two-year 'supplementary major' (within a four-year degree programme) that "strives to combine the diverse background of Arts and Letters with an understanding of how information technology can affect the way we live and the way we earn our living"; required courses in programming language (2), statistics (1), computer ethics (1) and application problems (4).
Computer Science / Studies
Peterborough, Ontario
Trent University
An interdisciplinary programme combining course offerings in computer science, information and administrative systems, as well as digital culture and ideas; aims to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, collaborative work, design and creative expression; offers a variety of single-major and joint-major options available within both the four-year honours programme and the three-year general degree.
Corso di laurea in Informatica umanistica
Università di Pisa
An interdisciplinary three-year undergraduate academic programme resulting from the collaboration of the Faculty of Letters and the Department of Computer Science. It includes a complete degree in the humanities together with the related information-processing technologies (basic computing and telematics, databases, information retrieval, computational linguistics, data analysis, website design, computer graphics, multimedia production, digital libraries, e-learning technologies).
Diplôme d'études spécialisées en documentation et sciences de l'information (DESSTIN)
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Département des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication; the diploma "comprend trois orientation principales, à savoir 'sciences et métiers du livre', 'archivistique et sciences documentaires' et 'informatique appliquée aux études de philosophie et lettres'."
Humanities Computing
University of Leiden
Faculty of Arts and Humanities; offers courses in computing in language and literature and in history and art history.
Humanities Information Technology
London Metropolitan University
United Kingdom
An undergraduate academic programme offering joint honours or minor honours options. Level 1 consists of a broad introduction to the main issues and debates about the impact of information technology, complemented by the development of a range of practical and technical skills; levels 2 and 3 cover specialised topics and themes chiefly in the areas of computer science, cognitive science and cultural studies.
Informatics Certificate
Lexington, Kentucky
University of Kentucky
United States
Graduate certificate programme administered by a multidisciplinary committee of computer scientists and scholars in both the humanities and the sciences. Objective is to train graduate and professional-degree students in the uses of computational and information-processing technology in their own fields. Specializations include humanities, linguistics, biology and health care.
Information Technology
Toronto, Ontario
York University
Faculty of Arts; housed in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The programme aims to provide students with a sound education concerning modern computer technology and its uses, impacts and effects in our society. The unique multi-disciplinary core of the programme combines the applied aspects of computer systems with the historical, social and ethical contexts of computing and information-processing.
Master of Arts in Humanities Computing
Edmonton, Alberta
University of Alberta
A two-year Master of Arts degree in Humanities Computing. The programme integrates computational methods and theories with research and teaching in the humanities.
Research and collegial support
These conduct research and provide collegial support but do not offer academic courses or programmes. Some members hold academic appointments in or closely associated with humanities computing.
Die Abteilung Literarische und Dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung
Universität Tübingen
Zentrums für Datenverarbeitung; an academic department within the university computing centre concerned primarily with textual computing; supports the Tübinger System von Textverarbeitungs-Programmen (TUSTEP); since 1973 has held the Kolloquium über die Anwendung der Elecktronischen Datenverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften.
Centre Informatique de Philosophie et Lettres
Université de Liège
"Son objectif général est de «promouvoir et coordonner l'utilisation de l'informatique au sein de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres»."
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH)
University of Maryland
United States
Aims to generate and foster the development of projects in applied computing, to communicate new technological approaches both within and outside the university and to provide resources for technologically-based scholarship and instruction; appoints resident fellows.
Wired Humanities Project
Eugene, Oregon
University of Oregon
United States
Is a locus for developing digital practice in humanities research and teaching. It provides to the university's humanities faculty a set of services, including basic user support, website design services and development of digital research applications. The project is also currently proposing a humanities computing certificate programme for undergraduate and graduate students.
These conduct research and disseminate the results but do not offer courses or support. Members hold academic appointments in or closely associated with humanities computing.
Avdeling for kultur, språk og informasjonsteknologi (Department of Culture, Language and Information Technology - Aksis)
Universitetet i Bergen
A research umbrella organization containing the Research Group for Text Technology (text encoding and editorial philology, of which the Wittgenstein Archive and participation in the Text Encoding Initiative are most significant), directed by Daniel Apollon; the Research Group for Language Technology (computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, terminology and lexicography, and participation in ICAME), directed by Gjert Kristoffersen; the Centre for Cultural Research, directed by Siri Meyer; and InterMedia Bergen, directed by Barbara Wasson. Replaced the HIT Centre (Centre for Humanities Information Technologies) at the University of Bergen.
Centre de recherche Hubert de Phalèse
Université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle
"L'équipe se donne comme objectif de développer les études littéraires assistées par ordinateur par l'information, la formation, la vielle sur les nouveaux outils de recherche."
Centre de traitement automatique du langue (CENTAL)
Université catholique de Louvain
"Le CENTAL est un centre d'informatique rattaché à la Faculté de philosophie et lettres et spécialisé dans l'étude du traitement nformatique des langues, une discipline qui s'est fait récemment connaître du grand public au travers d'applications commerciales à succès telles que la correction orthographique automatique, la reconnaissance de la parole, la traduction automatique, la recherche d'information etc". Formerly CETEDOC.
Centre for Literary and Linguistic Computing (CLLC)
Newcastle, New South Wales
University of Newcastle
"Established to continue the development and application of statistical and computing tools for the analysis of (literary) texts."
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale
Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche
Conducts interdisciplinary, theoretical and applied research activities in the field of linguistic data processing.
Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes
Université de Liège
Develops databases of texts in Latin and Greek, software for analysis of ancient and modern languages, publishes concordances and other lexical reference works and the journal Revue. Informatique et Statistiques dans les Sciences Humaines (RISSH).
LAEL: Applied Linguistics Postgraduate Programme
São Paulo
Pontifícia Catholic University of São Paulo
Develops research projects uisng electronic corpora of English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Perseus Digital Library
Medford, Massachusetts
Tufts University
United States
Conducts research on producing, structuring and analyzing humanistic information; its public digital library testbed contains texts, images and research databases ranging from Archaic Greece to the nineteenth-century United States.
University of Virginia
United States
IATH; "organized to promote experimental and exploratory research in Digital Humanities... By definition, SpecLab projects are interdisciplinary and innovative, often undertaken with uncertain outcomes for the sake of expanding the methods and assumptions of Digital Humanities."
Research project infrastructure
Umbrella infrastructures that provide a focus for computing-related research projects conducted by memebrs of other departments but that do not engage in their own research.
Humanities Research Institute
University of Sheffield
United Kingdom
A consortium of technology-related research projects from within the Faculty of Arts, with an independent steering group dedicatd to driving, maintaining and overseeing the development of the Institute.
Research in Computing for the Humanities
Lexington, Kentucky
University of Kentucky
United States
A "collaboratory" of computer scientists and humanities scholars investigating humanities research problems that provide intriguing challenges for computer science, and developing new applications of computer technology to research in the humanities; sponsors a lecture series in conjunction with the University of Kentucky Center for Computational Sciences.
Teaching and support
Units that offer academic programmes and offer support but that do not themselves conduct research in humanities computing. Some of their members hold academic appointments, not necessarily in humanities computing.
Humanities Research Center
Provo, Utah
Brigham Young University
United States
Provides computer support, network support, training, scanning, language testing and the Computers and the Humanities Program, which offers courses on the use of computer technology in humanities disciplines, with two intersecting minor programmes; jointly supported by the Department of Linguistics and the Humanities Research Center.
Specific disciplinary or pedagogical focus
These are devoted to a specific discipline or teaching activity, whether within a particular department or shared among a small group of departments. Some members hold academic appointments.
Bereich Historische Fachinformatik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
A department with several scholars, focuses on informatics in history, lists course that may substitute for regular history department offerings.
Computerlinguistik und Technologie
Universität Bielefeld
Facultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft, offers programmes in the following two areas. Computerlinguistik is a concentration within the regular programme of Linguistics, which comprises three tracks: (1) Language, cognition and activity, (2) Language and digital media, (3) Spoken language. Textttechnologie is a minor programme that may be combined with any other major subject in the Faculty.
Concentration in Computers and English Studies
Austin, Texas
University of Texas
United States
Department of English; seeks to develop and sustain a dialogue between print-based culture and the emergent culture(s) of electronic information; students develop both theoretical and practical understanding of print and electronic textuality, expertise in applying contemporary technology to more traditional problems in rhetoric or literary scholarship and teaching, and have the opportunity to explore new modes of research and instruction, continually assessing the impact of the technologies they use upon the construction of their objects of study and finally, of the field of inquiry itself.
Teaching and research
Institut für Multimedia und Datenverarbeitung in den Geisteswissenschaften
Universität Rostock
Philosophische Fakultät; research projects in cartography, hypertextual information systems, statistics and quantitative methods; courses in visualisation, media theory, application of multimedia to historical studies.
Research and research support
Ancient World Mapping Center
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
University of North Carolina
United States
Exists to promote cartography and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies.
Australian Scholarly Editions Centre
University of New South Wales
Australian Defence Force Academy; a research centre with involvement in the development of electronic scholarly editions and associated technologies.
Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities
Stanford, California
Stanford University
United States
Is engaged in the development of large databases of musical and textual materials for applications in research, teaching and performance.
Center for Electronic Projects in American Culture Studies (CEPACS)
Washington DC
Georgetown University
United States
Founded in 1994 to coordinate and develop a range of electronic projects related to interdisciplinary studies in the culture and history of the United States. CEPACS supports a range of projects affiliated with the American Studies Program and English Department at Georgetown University.
Center for History and New Media
Fairfax, Virginia
George Mason University
United States
Produces historical works in new media, tests the effectiveness of these products in the classroom and reflects critically on the promises and pitfalls of new media in historical practice.
Center for Literary Computing
Morgantown, West Virginia
Eberley College of Arts and Sciences, West Virginia University
United States
A research lab and instructional support centre in the Department of English, providing a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment to support research and instruction.
Center for New Media
Baltimore, Maryland
Maryland Institute College of Art
United States
"The Center for New Media at MICA is developing and coordinating partnerships with arts organizations, educational institutions, and industry to initiate collaborative opportunities in a complex interdisciplinary field. The Center for New Media serves as a bridge between the arts and its technology and educational partners by showcasing the research and media experimentation at MICA across the disciplines."
Center for the Advancement of Applied Ethics
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Carnegie Mellon University
United States
Pursues a distinctive research in applied ethics and ethics education. Its mission is to help recover ethics from academic abstraction by researching and presenting ethical issues in practical settings, but with appropriate interdisciplinary perspectives and theoretical bearings. The Center has explored abortion, conflict resolution, euthanasia, forgery, counterfeiting and other ethical problems through multimedia technologies.
Computerunterstütze Interpretation von Texten
Universität Münster
A project in the theological faculty focused on New Testament studies.
Cultural VR Lab
Los Angeles
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
United States
Creates highly accurate 3D computer models of culturally significant sites around the world. Since 1998, the Lab has been focusing on its pilot project, ancient Rome. Models have been made of buildings on the north and south side of the Roman Forum and also of the Early Christian Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
Feminist Humanities Project
Eugene, Oregon
University of Oregon
United States
Is building, testing and modelling methods for creating a comprehensive digital materials collection of primary texts and images for research on women and gender in history with an initial focus on a) women and gender in ancient Mesoamerica (the Nahuatl culture) and b) medicine and childbirth in medieval Europe. It is also assisting faculty in developing digital teaching units (DTUs) on a wide range of topics related to women and gender.
Media Center for Art History
New York
University of Columbia
United States
Considers the application of imaging and information technologies for research, teaching and publishing in art histor and particularly the innovative analysis of architecture and the constructed environment.
Virginia Center for Digital History
Charlottesville, Virginia
University of Virginia
United States
An outgrowth of the popular Valley of the Shadow American Civil War project. Goal is to develop high-quality, well-researched and reliable history materials for the World Wide Web and deliver them to schools, colleges, libraries, historical societies and the general public.
Technological research and support
Units that provide technological support to research and teaching taking place in or governed by members of academic departments; they also engage in research of a technological nature independently, in concert with academic departments, by contract with external organisations or are funded to develop resources on a national level.
Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
United States
Provides advice and information in support of humanities research and distribution of its electronic products and byproducts; historically, the main foci of CCAT have included creation (e.g. scanning) and electronic publication (e.g. via gopher) of relevant materials, including some specialised software.
Center for Digital Humanities
Los Angeles
University of California at Los Angeles
United States
Seeks to advance the teaching, research and public service mission of the Humanities Division by the use of computing technology and new media; assists academic projects by locating personnel and funding, discovering partners both inside and outside the university, and managing the projects over time; facilitates use of the Web for teaching.
Centre for Humanities Computing
Göteborgs Universitet
Provides support to the faculty, staff and students to use the computer technology within the Humanities, and maintains the computer network (HumLAN), servers and faculty labs.
Humanities Computing and Media Centre
Victoria, British Columbia
University of Victoria
An academic centre in the Faculty of Humanities with a faculty director, a laboratory assistant and two programmers. Offers comprehensive services for language learning, ranging from customised software programs developed by the R&D team to audio-visual dubbing; project management; website design; programming; consulting; and workshops on a variety of subjects.
Scholarly Technology Group
Providence, Rhode Island
Brown University
United States
Supports the development and use of advanced information technology in academic research, teaching and scholarly communication. STG pursues this mssion by exploring new technologies and practices, developing specialised tools and techniques, and providing consulting and project management services to academic projects.
Technological resource and support
Units specifically dedicated to providing electronic resources, tools and assistance to students and members of academic departments, here sorted by their administrative unit.
Arts faculty centres
Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS)
University of Toronto
A computing facility in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences that promotes computing in research and teaching within the humanities and social sciences departments; supports a number of institutes, centres and other units within the university; maintains and operates the highly succcessful CHASS Data Centre, a collection of social sciences and general interest databases.
Humanities Computing
Hanover, New Hampshire
Dartmouth College
United States
Runs a faculty lab, provides workshops, tutorials, one-one-one advising, technical support.
Humanities Computing Facility
Irvine, California
University of California at Irvine
United States
Provides Web development, computing labs, computer accounts and technical support.
Humanities Computing Project
University of Witwatersrand
South Africa
Aims to promote computer-assisted learning, teaching and research within the Arts Faculty in line with developments in the humanities at many universities in other parts of the world, and with global trends to use information technology for academic work; serves all 24 departments of the faculty.
Humanities Computing Team
Houston, Texas
Rice University
United States
Enhances the work of the faculty, staff and graduate students in the Rice University School of Humanities by supporting their computing needs.
Computing centre groups and divisions
Humanities Computing Group
New York
New York University
United States
A subject-specific group at NYU's Academic Computing Services that supports the use of new technologies in humanities teaching and research.
Humanities Research Computing
Evanston, Illinois
Northwestern University
United States
Focuses on technological support for humanities research; relational and SGML data modelling; WWW delivery of SGML and RDBMS-based e-text and media archives; custom integration of networked resources.
Literary and Linguistic Computing Centre
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom
A small team within the Computing Service which provides specialised support for postgraduate and established scholars in the Arts and Humanities departments.
Teaching, Learning and Research Support Courseware Development
University of Melbourne
Works with academic departments and faculties in transforming teaching and learning by the use of multimedia and related educational technologies.
Library-based units
Center for CD-ROM Reference and Full-Text Databases
New Haven, Connecticut
United States
Provides members of the Yale community with access to electronic texts, multimedia resources and web development tools.
Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Rutgers University
United States
Sponsors and supports computing-related projects, including provision of electronic source materials; holds technical workshops.
Digital Knowledge Center
Baltimore, Maryland
Johns Hopkins
United States
Provides equipment and expertise to facilitate the development and creation of digital curricular, instructional and informational resources which further instruction, research and scholarship.
Digital Library and Archives
Blacksburg, Virginia
Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VirginiaTech)
United States
Assists in the creation of online resources such as electronic journals, and use of electronic library services; designs and maintains systems including those for electronic theses and dissertations and digital images.
Digital Library Project
Berkeley, California
University of California at Berkeley
United States
Develops the tools and technologies to support highly improved models of the 'scholarly information cycle'; its goal is to facilitate the move from the current centralised, discrete publishing model, to a distributed, continuous, and self-publishing model, while still preserving the best aspects of the current model such as peer review.
Digital Resources Center
Pennsylvania State University
United States
Collects and provides access to electronic text and multimedia materials in the Arts and Humanities.
Electronic Resources Center
Houston, Texas
Rice University
United States
Functions as an alternative computing space, where faculty, students, staff and others can explore new electronic resources; makes available electronic texts as well as hardware and software for the creation and analysis of electronic texts.
Electronic Text Center
Ithaca, New York
Cornell University
United States
Provides access to scholarly electronic text and multimedia documents; helps to identify, acquire and organise electronic texts, text analysis and multimedia programs; instructs and consults with users; supports students and faculty.
Electronic Text Centre
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dalhousie University
A service that provides WWW access to full-text documents, a computer-accessible archive for faculty and student research projects in the humanities, scholarly publications, university materials and special projects.
Electronic Text Centre
Fredericton, New Brunswick
University of New Brunswick
A multi-faceted electronic publishing enterprise that prepares and publishes electronic texts and images to standards; offers imaging services for capturing and archiving high-resolution digital images; lends technical and educational support to University of New Brunswick faculty, students and to other institutions for the development of Web-based publishing projects.
Electronic Text Center
Charlottesville, Virginia
University of Virginia
United States
Builds and maintains an internet-accessible collection of SGML texts and images and a user community adept at the creation and use of thse materials.
Electronic Text Service
New York
University of Columbia
United States
A research and instructional facility of the Columbia University Libraries designed to help Columbia faculty and students incorporate computer-based textual and bibliographic information into their research, study and teaching.
Humanities Text Initiative
Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Michigan
United States
An umbrella organisation for the acquisition, creation and maintenance of electronic texts, as well as a mechanism for furthering the Unversity's capabilities in the area of online text.
Informedia Digital Video Library
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Carnegie Mellon University
United States
A research initiative that studies how multimedia digital libraries can be established and used.
Lewis H Beck Center for Electronic Collections and Services
Atlanta, Georgia
Emory University
United States
Promotes and supports the use of scholarly electronic collections by Emory University faculty, students and staff.
Library Electronic Text Resource Service
Bloomington, Indiana
Indiana University
United States
Provides humanities-related electronic texts, works to build and support a user community and supports the electronic text components of Indiana University's Digital Library Program projects and initiatives.
Scholarly Digital Resources Center
Iowa City, Iowa
University of Iowa
United States
Fosters the creation and use of digitised collections and resources of interest to the University of Iowa community.
Scholarly Electronic Text and Image Service (SETIS)
Sydney, New South Wales
University of Sydney
Provides access to a large number of networked and in-house full-text databases, primarily but not exclusively, source texts within the humanities. In addition to these literary, philosophical and religious texts the service is engaged in a number of text and image creation projects.
Stanford Digital Library Technologies
Stanford, California
Stanford University
United States
A project to design and implement the infrastructure and services needed for collaboratively creating, dissseminating, sharing and managing information in a digital library context.
Studio for Digital Projects and Research
New York
New York University
United States
Supports experimentation with and creation of technology applications in the Arts, Humanities and related disciplines. It is a collaborative facility of NYU Libraries & Information Technology Services (ITS).
Related programmes and forums
This is the point at which the list compiled here opens out into the academic world at large; it cannot possibly hope to be complete.
Communications and new media studies
Center for Electronic Commnication
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Florida Atlantic University
United States
A university centre to research and demonstrate the electronic presentation of information in the academic arena.
Centre de recherche en information spécialisée et en médiation des savoirs
Université Paris X Nanterre
"Le Centre privilégie les thèmes de recherche définis par les enseignants-chercheurs en post à l'Université Paris X, en liaison avec les problématiques des deux options du DEA sciences de l'information et de la communication. Ils sont regroupés autour de deux volets: (1) politique et information médiatique: évolution des formes et des pratiques; (2) information specialisée et technologies nouvelles."
Communication, Culture and Technology Masters Program
Washington DC
Georgetown University
United States
Curriculum fostering the "advanced study of contemporary media, communications and information technolgogy, as well as innovative approaches to theory and research for the Information Age."
Comparative Media Studies
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
United States
Offers a humanistic and social scientific approach to the study of diverse media forms in various social, cultural, political and aesthetic contexts. A two-year course of study leading to a Master of Science.
Digital Cultures Project
Santa Barbara, California
University of California (multi-campus)
United States
"The Digital Cultures Project (DCP)brings together faculty and graduate students from across the UC system who are actively engaged with the history and theory of new digital technologies and the ways in which they are changing humanistic studies and the arts. It also serves as an agency through which faculty and graduate students who have not been actively engaged in these matters can learn about them in order to incorporate them in thier future work." Sponsors conferences, workshops and fellowships.
Dowden Center for New Media Studies
University of Georgia
United States
Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication
Troy, New York
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
United States
A Bachelor of Science degree programme in Electronic Media, Arts and Communication jointly offered by the Department of Language, Literature and Communication (LL&C)and the Arts Department of Rensselaer. It seels to integrate aesthetic, creative and critical thought with expertise in advanced electronic multimedia.
Information et communication
Université de Liège
Programme des cours, Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres
Universität des Saarlandes
Deals with the preconditions for and methods of knowledge transfer (knowledge management). Central topics of interest are: specialised information, public information / new media; information and communication in enterprises; information industry. Among the methods and tools there are information tehcnology; information linguistics / knowledge presentation; man-machine communication; information economics and management.
Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Medienwissenschaft und Musikwissenschaft
Technischen Universität Berlin
description needed
Media Studies Major
Claremont, California
Pomona College
United States
An interdisciplinary programme combining work in the humanities, social sciences and sciences. Its purpose is to afford students a comprehensive understanding of media litearcy - that is, the skills, history and theory needed to view, listen to and use the media knowledgeably and crticially.
New Media Studies track in the Literature program
Pomona, New Jersey
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
United States
An undergraduate track in New Media Studies, focusing on the study of electronic literature, digital culture and the pragmatics of network writing.
RMIT Hypertext Project
Melbourne, Victoria
University of Melbourne
Conducts research and teaches hypertext theory and practice within the Media Studies programme.
School of Communications Design
Baltimore, Maryland
University of Baltimore
United States
Offers undergraduate degrees in English and Corporate Communication, a unique master's degreen in Publication Design, a range of postgraduate certificates in design, theory and technology, and a new advanced degree, the Doctor of Communications Design.
School of Literature, Communication, and Culture
Atlanta, Georgia
Georgia Institute of Technology (GeorgiaTech)
United States
Offers degree programmes at the master's level in Information Design and Technology, at the bachelor's in Science, Technology, and Culture, and minors in Women, Science, and Technology and in Performance Studies.
Santa Barbara, California
University of California at Santa Barbara
United States
An ambitious graduate-level concentration in "literature and information".
New media art and design
Art Media Studies
Syracuse, New York
Syracuse University
United States
Offers BFA and MFA degrees in Photography, Film, Video and Computer Graphics. These degree programmes offer studio experiences integrated with academic curricula in media arts history, theory and contemporary issues.
Center for Advanced Digital Application (CADA)
New York
New York University
United States
General philosophical mission is to train artists to use the latest and most advanced digital tools. Theoretical and aesthetic issues are taught simultaneously with the practical problems of self-expression.
Center for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA)
San Diego, California
University of California at San Diego
United States
Exists to foster collaborative working relationships among artists and scientists by identifying and promoting projects in which common research interests may be advanced through the application of computer-mediated strategies.
Conceptual / Information Arts
San Francisco
San Francisco State University
United States
Focuses on contemporary art explorations in non-traditional media that integrate the information bases, work styles and perspectives of disciplines outside the arts - especially those involving science and technology.
Department of Design | Media Arts
Los Angeles
University of California at Los Angeles
United States
Offers an undergraduate programme which focuses on visual communication design with an emphasis on digital media, a graduate programme that lays stress on systematic, conceptual procedures in a synthesis employing digital technologies.
Digital Media Center
New York
Columbia University
United States
Provides facilities and basic and advanced training for students working in such areas as computer graphics, digital video editing and web authoring. The Digital Media Center also often offers interdisciplinary courses that bring students from various disciplines together to explore the application of digital technologies.
Digital Media Center for the Arts
New Haven, Connecticut
Yale University
United States
A multimedia facility created to explore new areas of education and cross-disciplinary interaction that result when traditional art collides with the computer age.
Electronic Literature Organization
Los Angeles
University of California at Los Angeles
United States
An international organisation to promote the reading and writing of electronic literature. Membership includes people involved in writing, taching, publishing and the technology of new media literature.
ELO Preservation, Archiving, and Dissemination (PAD) Project
Los Angeles
University of California at Los Angeles
United States
An international initiative focused on the strategies for preservation of electronic and new media literature. Members and partners include libraries, publications, technical organisations and museums in addition to readers, writers and scholars of new media literature.
Institute for Electronic Arts
Alfred, New York
Alfred University
United States
Dedicated to the integration of electronic media within the fine arts disciplines through a focus on art-making, research and education.
Computing and society
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility
De Monfort University
United Kingdom
Undertakes research and provides teaching, consultancy and advice to individuals, communities, organisations and governments at local, national and international levels on the actual and potential impacts of computing and related technologies on society and its citizens.
Computers and Society
New York
Association for Computing Machinery
United States
A Special Interest Group of the ACM that brings together computer professionals, specialists in other fields and the public at large to address concerns and raise awareness about the ethical and societal impact of computers.
Program in Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
Stanford, California
Stanford University
United States
Integrated studies of the natures and relationship of science, technology and engineering and of the social relations of science and technology. STS provides an arena for dialogue among students of engineering, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences, a common ground where important cross-disciplinary studies transcending the gaps between the technical and non-technical fields are not merely envisioned but practised.
Science, Technology, and Society
Claremont, California
Pomona College
United States
An intercollegiate, interdisciplinary program through which students may pursue an integrated study of the history, philosophy and social dimensions of science and technology; offers introductory and advanced courses in history of science, history of mathematics, history of technology, philosophy of science, science and technology policy studies and ethical issues in science, technology, computing and society.
Corpus linguistics
International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English
Universitetet i Bergen
An international organisation of linguists and information scientists working with English machine-readable texts. The aim of the organisation is to collect and distribute information on English-language material available for computer processing and on linguistic research completed or in progress on the material, to compile an archive of English text corpora in machine-readable form and to make material available to research institutions.
University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language
Lancaster University
United Kingdom
A research centre focused on practical outcomes of the corpus-based approach to natural language speech synthesis, speech recognition, machine-aided translation, dictionary publishing, social survey interview analysis, computer-aided language teaching.
History of science and technology
History of Science
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Harvard University
United States
Especially the activities of Peter L Galison, who is interested in both the philosophical and historical questions that arise when examining the role of experiments in modern physics; his book Image and Logic provides a very useful model for interdisciplinary fields centred on shared instrumentation.
Instituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Conducts research into the history of philosophy and of science by means of the terminology and language used in these disciplines; holds colloquia and seminars; publishes glossaries, concordances, terminological studies, databases; strong methodological focus on the problems of terminological study.
Program in the History of Science
Princeton, New Jersey
Princeton University
United States
Especially the activites of Michael S Mahoney, currently engaged in a study of the origins of theoretical computer science during the 1950s and '60s and in the development of software engineering.
Philosophy, cognitive science, informatics
Center for the Advancement of Applied Ethics
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Carnegie Mellon University
United States
A research and development environment that focuses on teaching people practical methods for analysing and responding to real ethical problems; pioneering work in the application of interactive multimedia.
Cognitive Science Society
United States
Promotes scientific interchange among researchers in the disciplines comprising the fields of cognitive science, including artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy and education.
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom
Studies the cognitive and social aspects of the representation, processing and communication of information in natural and artificial systems.
Teaching and learning technologies
Alliance for Computers and Writing (ACW)
United States
Supports "teachers at all levels of instruction in their intelligent, theory-based use of computers in writing instruction."
Berkeley, California
University of California at Berkeley
United States
A resource which offers detailed reviews of software and books targeted towards language students and instructors.
Institute for Learning and Research Technology
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
A centre of excellence in the development and use of new technology in teaching, learning and research; its objectives are to initiate projects, to ensure that the University of Bristol is provided with rapid access to these developments and to assist the staff of the University in collaboration with other support services.
Center for Computer Games Research
IT University of Copenhagen
"The Center for Computer Games Research Copenhagen conducts computer game research in game aesthetics, game design, game spaces, game worlds, gaming cultures and learning in games."
Online resource directories
In the sense that comprehensive online directories constitute a virutal place they need recognition here. Note that individual library collections of electronic materials are not included, since this is now recognised simply as a function of libraries along with their non-electronic collections.
Australian E-Humanities Gateway
Sydney, New South Wales
Australian Research Council
A reference point for those involved in or seeking information about projects and events concerned with the use of digital resources in humanities disciplines in Australia.
National Endowment for the Humanities
United States
A growing collection of selected online resources for teaching English, history, art history and foreign languages.
Ames, Iowa
Iowa State University
United States
Longstanding, diverse and expansive collection of online arts and humanities resources.
Forum Computerphilologie
A specialised listing of resources for literary and philological computing resources, including the online journal Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie.
Humanities Hub
United Kingdom
Part of the national UK Resource Discovery Network, a comprehensive database of online resources for the humanities.
Voice of the Shuttle
Santa Barbara, California
University of California at Santa Barbara
United States
Longstanding and comprehensive portal for humanities research, now structured as a relational database.
Professional societies, national and international organizations
Humanities computing
Advanced Computing in the Humanities (ACO*HUM)
Universitetet i Bergen
European Union
A SOCRATES thematic network project aimed at developing an international dimension for investigating the educational impact of new technologies in all humanities disciplines.
Arts and Humanities Data Service
United Kingdom
A UK national service that collects, preserves and promotes reuse of the electronic resources which result from research in the arts and humanities.
Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH)
A major professional society for people working in computer-aided research in literature and language studies, history, philosophy and other humanities disciplines, and especially research involving the manipulation and analysis of textual materials.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
New York
United States
A professional organisation of ca. 80,000 computing professionals and students; see especially the listing of Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Association for History and Computing (AHC)
An international organisation which aims to promote and develop interest in the use of computers in all types of historical study at every level, in both teaching and research.
Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC)
A major professional society that supports the application of computing in the study of language and literature, including image-processing and electronic editions.
Consortium for Computers in the Humanities
A Canada-wide association of representatives from Canadian colleges and universities whose objective is to foster communications about, and sharing of, information technology developed by Canadian institutions for the betterment of post-secondary education across Canada.
European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
The driving force to make available the language resources for language engineering and to evaluate language engineering technologies; active in identification, distribution, collection, validation, standardisation, improvement, in promoting the production of language resources, in supporting the infrastructure to perform evaluation campaigns and in developing a scientific field of language resources and evaluation.
Linguistic Data Consortium
University of Pennsylvania
United States
An open consortium of universities, companies and government research laboratories. It creates, collects and distributes speech and text databases, lexicons and other resources for research and development purposes.
Office for Humanities Communication
King's College London
United Kingdom
An umbrella organisation that fosters communication among scholars and others involved in computer-related projects and activities; organises major conferences and workshops and publishes monographs and collections of essays in humanities computing and related areas.
Text Encoding Initiative Consortium
Charlottesville, Virginia
University of Virginia
United States
A membership consortium to support the maintenance and continuing work of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The TEI is an international project to develop guidelines for the preparation and interchange of electronic texts for scholarly research, and to satisfy a broad range of uses by the language industries more generally.
Model Editions Partnership
Columbia, South Carolina
University of South Carolina
United States
Explores ways of creating editions of historical documents which meet the standards scholars traditionally use in preparing printed editions.
United States
A consortium for electronic publication in the humanities, which aims to foster a new style of refereed scholarly publications in the humanities accessible by design and choice of medium to wide public audiences, to develop and refine new models for scholarly collaboration via the internet, to help ensure the long-term interoperability and archival availability of electronic materials and to support resolutions to copyright and other issues as they arise in the course of scholarly electronic publication.
National academies
American Council of Learned Societies
New York
United States
A private non-profit federation of 61 US national scholarly organisations; its mission is to "advance humanistic studies in all fields of learning in the humanities and the related social sciences and to maintain and strengthen relations among the national societies devoted to such studies."
Australian Academy of the Humanities
Aims to advance knowledge of, and the pursuit of excellence in, the humanities. The general disciplinary areas of the Academy include prehistory and archaeology; Asian studies; classical studies; English; European language and literature; history; linguistics and philology; philosophy, religion and the history of ideas; cultural and communication studies; the arts.
British Academy
United Kingdom
Established by Royal Charter in 1902, under the full title of 'The British Academy for the Promotion of Historical, Philosophical and Philological Studies'. It is an independent and self-governing fellowship of scholars, elected for distinction and achievement in one or more of the academic disciplines that make up the humanities and social sciences, and is now organised in 16 Sections by academic discipline.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
The central public funding organisation for academic research in Germany, comparable to a research council (in British and Western European terminology) or a (national) research foundation (in American or Far Eastern terminology).
Humanities Society of New Zealand
New Zealand
A national organisation predicated on the idea that the humanities must have a strong voice in the formation of public opinion and national policy.
Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal-en Letterkunde
The Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature was founded by a Royal Charter in 1886. With 30 elected members, the Academy hosts several research projects in the field of scholarly editing, Dutch language and literature, philology, dialectology, bibliography and the culture of the Low Countries, with a strong focus on the integration of humanities computing.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
A Canada-wide association of representatives from Canadian colleges and universities whose objective is to foster communications about, and sharing of, information technology developed by Canadian institutions for the betterment of post-secondary education across Canada.
Library, museum and cultural heritage organizations
Consortium for Computer Interchange of Museum Information
A group of institutions and organisations that encourages an open standards-based approach to the management and delivery of digital museum information. [organisation is now defunct]
International Council of Museums
A non-governmental organisation (NGO), with formal links to UNESCO, devoted to the promotion and development of museums and the museums professsion at an international level.
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH)
Washington DC
United States
A collaborative project of the American Council of Learned Societies, the Coalition for Networked Information and the Getty Information Institute; aims to assure leadership from the cultural community in the evolution of the digital environment.
Research Libraries Group
Mountain View, California
United States
A not-for-profit membership coporation of institutions devoted to improving access to information that supports research and learning.
Society of Biblical Literature
Atlanta, Georgia
United States
Takes an active role in the development of information technology for use by anyone interested in biblical studies.
Digital Games Research Association
University of Tampere
Hypermedia Laboratory; "Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) is a non-profit, international organisation of academics and practitioners whose work focuses on digital games and associated activities."
New York
United States
" is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1996 to provide an online platform for the global new media art community. Our programs and services support the creation, presentation, discussion and preservation of contemporary art that uses new technologies in significant ways. Our core activities include commissions, email discussions and publications, this web site, and events." Membership includes access to the Rhizome ArtBase, an extensive online repository for digital art.
trAce Online Writing Centre
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom
"trAce connects writers and readers around the world in real and virtual space. We promote an accessible and inclusive approach to the internet with the focus on creativity, collaboration and training. This is where writers meet to experiment, create new work, and expand the potential of the global literary community. Membership is free."
Discussion groups
E-DOCS Historical Documents on the Internet
Greenville, South Carolina
Furman University
United States
A discussion list and website for professionals involved in the production, distribution and organisation of historical documents on the Internet. Offers an index of "Best Practices and Exemplary Sites."
H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online
East Lansing, Michigan
Michigan State University
United States
MATRIX; an interdisciplinary organisation of scholars dedicated to developing the educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web.
King's College London
United Kingdom
Centre for Computing in the Humanities; an international electronic seminar on the application of computers to the humanities whose primary aim is to provide a forum for discussion of intellectual, scholarly, pedagogical and social issues, and for exchange of information among members.
Journals and series
Computers and the Humanities [renamed 'Language Resources and Evaluation' March 2005]
Computers and Texts
United Kingdom
Journal / newsletter of the CTI Centre for Textual Studies.
Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie
See below
Literary and Linguistic Computing
United Kingdom
The official journal of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing.
Office for Humanities Computing
King's College London
United Kingdom
Currently 17 titles in print
Revue. Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines (RISSH)
Université de Liège
Articles in French and English concerning the applications of computing techniques and statistics to the humanities.
Text Technology
Hamilton, Ontario
McMaster University
CLC Web Comparative Literature and Culture
West Lafayette, Indiana
Purdue University
United States
Online since 1999, publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of this topic.
A "journal for reviews and scholarship about digital literature and art. It was founded in June 1999."
Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie
The online component of a printed journal offering a forum for discussion of the numerous possibilities computing offers to literary studies.
Computing in the Humanities Working Papers
Canada, United Kingdom
An interdisciplinary series of refereed publications on computer-assisted research.
D-Lib forum and magazine
United States
Widely read electronic periodical and online resource centre for digital library research.
Electronic Book Review (EBR)
United States
Publishes full-length articles, work in experimental media and round-table dialogues as well as reviews.
Game Studies
"Game Studies is a crossdisciplinary journal dedicated to games research, web-published several times a year. Our primary focus is aesthetic, cultural and communicative aspects of computer games."
Human IT
University College of Borås
A quarterly journal published by the Centre for Information Studies as a Human Science (ITH) at the Swedish School for Library and Information Studies (SSLIS), University College of Borås and Göteborg University; many articles of interest to the humanities computing community, both in Swedish and, to an increasing degree, in English. Also published in print.
Iowa Review Web
Iowa City, Iowa
University of Iowa
United States
A journal of new media and experimental writing and art. The Iowa Review Web is published at the University of Iowa with support from the Department of English and in collabortation with the Iowa Review and the International Writing Program.
Journal of Electronic Publishing
Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Michigan
United States
Publishes articles on all aspects of its topic.
Postmodern Culture
Charlottesville, Virginia
University of Virginia
United States
Frequent articles on the cultural impact of computing and new media. Oldest peer-reviewed electronic journal in the humanities (founded 1990).
Electronic Literature Directory
Los Angeles
University of California at Los Angeles
United States
An international listing of electronic literature resources. The ELD is a searchable database of authors, works and publishers. Entries include fiction, poetry, drama and non-fiction that makes significant use of the computer platform. Authors and publishers can create and maintain their own entries.
Interactive Fiction Annotated Bibliography
United States
"The term 'interactive fiction' (IF) is here applied to a specific form of computer-mediated textual narrative that responds to user input, generally in the form of brief typed commands (e.g. 'take keys' or 'headmaster, tell me about Malcolm')."
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
Houston, Texas
University of Houston
United States
A selective bibliography presenting over 1000 articles, books, electronic documents and other sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks.
Selective bibliography for humanities computing
King's College London
United Kingdom
A dated but still useful bibliographic overview.