Nadezhda Povroznik

Nadezhda Povroznik

Nadezhda Povroznik is a Research Associate at the Department of Humanities Data Science and Methodology (HDSM) at the Institute for History at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany). She teaches and researches across interdisciplinary areas of Digital Humanities, Digital History, and Virtual Museology. Before joining HDSM, Nadezhda was an Associate Professor at Perm State University and headed the Center for Digital Humanities there. She was involved in research and educational projects, including developing the Master Program on Digital Technologies for Creative Industries, supported by EU Programm Erasmus+.

Her current research focuses on the factors that differentiate virtual museums as specific resources and traces the implications of these factors from a historical perspective. The research is based on the mixed method approach and combines the implementation of qualitative and data-driven methodologies. She is the author of the project Digital History of Virtual Museums.

Nadezhda is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Digital History and a Communication Officer of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO). Nadezhda is an Associate Editor of DSH: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities