Mikko Tolonen
Mikko Tolonen is a tenured assistant professor in digital humanities at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki (https://tuhat.helsinki.fi/portal/fi/persons/mikko-tolonen(1f6c4343-d64e-48d5-b6af-39d5f3442502).html). His background is in intellectual history and he is the PI of Helsinki Computational History Group (https://comhis.github.io/) at Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/helsinki-centre-for-digital-humanities). In 2015-17 he worked also in the National Library of Finland and its project on digitized newspapers as professor of research on digital resources. He has played a central role building digital humanities infrastructure at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki since 2015. He is the subject head of digital humanities and he has designed the DH teaching modules the faculty of arts. He is also on the executive board of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN: http://dig-hum-nord.eu/). His current main research focus is on an integrated study of public discourse and knowledge production that combines metadata from library catalogues as well as full-text libraries of books, newspapers and periodicals in early modern Europe. In 2016, he was awarded an Open Science and Research Award by Finnish Ministry of Education.